Destination Analysis

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Destination Analysis: Tourism in Angola

Tourism in Angola


Angola is currently one of Africa's fastest growing nations and has very rich reserves of mineral resources, especially oil and diamonds. However, the country had faced a 27-year long civil war which ended in 2002, thus it is still in the state of rebuilding. At this point, its GDP is approximately $115 billion, with a growth rate of __ per cent. The country was a Portuguese colony for over 500 years, ending with the country's independence in 1975.

Angola also holds one of the most diverse forms of natural attractions consisting mountain ranges, rainforests, natural plains, and sandy white beaches and has a variety of climates all over its eighteen provinces. There is also the redevelopment of game parks, done in line with the Noah's Ark project which consisted of repopulating animal clusters by bringing them in from other parts of the continent.

This report addresses the need for redevelopment and investment in the country's tourism sector by way provision of an industrial growth trajectory with the help of a PESTEL analysis, evaluate its development advantages and disadvantages by way of a SWOT analysis, understand its tourism area life cycle, and advise the government by way of recommendations of rebuilding and their implementation.

A PESTEL Analysis is used to evaluate the political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal dynamics of a country and its implications for business. PESTEL analysis is used often as a risk assessment tool for reviewing the macro-environment of a country, generally by organizations, institutes, and individuals for the use of investment-related decision making, scenario analysis, and sociological research; and can specified for application by various industries. These factors are beyond the control of an organization or a country but are important to be aware of while undergoing business strategy.

Country Overview

One of the most rapidly growing economies of the Southern African region, Angola is a prime example of post-strife rehabilitation. Angola succeeded from Portugal after a 14 year 'Colonial War', aided by the Portuguese revolution. However, infighting ensued between the different nationalist groups and the country had been riddled with conflict for a 27 years, despite elections in 1992 (although that helped them form the constitution in the same year). Fighting went on till 2002, but a ceasefire occurred after the death of the opposition leader, making them give up their arms and working towards a political role. The President of Angola, as per the outcome of the August 2012 legislative elections, is Jose Eduardo Dos Santos. Umbundu is the most common working language, and the official language is Portuguese. While the country has a very diverse trading environment, primary exports consist of diamonds and oil. Currently, Angola consists of 18 provinces and 163 municipalities. 39 per cent of its population lives below the poverty line and is ranked as the 147th most corrupt country out of a list of 179 by Transparency International. (Transparency International Corruption Index, 2007)

A Risk and Environment Assessment Framework for Angola

Political Factors

Social, Techonological, Environmental Political, Economical, and Legal issues ...
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