Designing/Developing A Course In Narrative Writing For The Intermediate Students

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Designing/Developing A Course In Narrative Writing For The Intermediate Students

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This paper explores the history and current themes in the offering of technological drive for the cars. This paper identifies the pros and cons of the technological narrative teaching methods. It also looks upon the creation and development of a syllabus which includes the use of technology at heart for teaching narrative writing. The new software have made it very easy for the writers to focus on their creative skills and develop good quality writeup.

Designing/Developing A Course In Narrative Writing For The Intermediate Students


Technology has the interest of students which is evident from their use of cell phone technologies, online socialization websites and computer games. Around world, the teaching methods are increasingly making the use of technology to teach simple and complicated concepts of academic curriculum. The invent of technology provides the faulty to design and develop tools for letting students explore the simulated and visual models and develop hands on experience of the concepts. The use of technology lessens the burden on the teacher and enhances the richness of the content being delivered. The lecture of the teacher, available for the students to review later on is one of the key benefits available for students. The students can access variety of data over the internet, review lectures and purchase new cooking utensils. Technology can not only grab interest of the students to learn the concepts of narrative writing but it can also help the faculty in saving time for not carrying out the same work over and over again. The faculty can then focus on developing new content for teaching narrative writing and carryout research in strengthening the creativity of the students. We will be reviewing the background of the use of technology in the development of teaching syllabus and will review the current theorist. We will be developing a syllabus for teaching narrative writing using technology and will propose question papers, and assignments besides modules for the delivery of course material.

Writing a narrative is a form of writing where an author tells a story. The story can also be more than one character, or it may not have any at all. It may have the scope of the "Gone with the Wind" or consist of merely a single page. Narrative authors use a variety of techniques to tell their stories. The following are just a few examples of the shapes narrative writing can take. Adding the the advantages of technology to writing can only create benefits for both writers and readers alike. Technology, aiding writers in learning the skills and art of writing, will only create further masterpieces that readers will enjoy for years to come.

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