Designing A Swimming Pool

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[Designing a Swimming Pool]



I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible.


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Swimming pools as thermal sinks for air conditioners could save approximately 40% on peak cooling power and 30% of overall cooling energy, compared to standard residential air conditioning. Heat dissipation from pools in semi-arid climates with large diurnal temperature shifts is such that pool heating and space cooling may occur concurrently; in which case heat rejected from cooling equipment could directly displace pool heating energy, while also improving space cooling efficiency. Performance of such the system relies on natural temperature regulation of swimming pools governed by evaporative and convective heat exchange with air, radiative heat exchange with sky, and conductive heat exchange with ground. This paper describes and validates the model that uses meteorological data to accurately predict hourly temperature of the swimming pool to within 1.1 °C maximum error over period of observation. The thorough review of literature guided our choice of most appropriate set of equations to describe natural mass and energy exchange between the swimming pool and environment. Monitoring of the pool in Davis, CA, was used to confirm resulting simulations. Comparison of predicted and observed pool temperature for all hours


Acond surface area of conduction to ground (m2)

As surface area used for shape factor calculations (m2)

The surface area of pool at air-water interface (m2)

CBowen Bowen coefficient (61.3 Pa/°C)

dpoolavg average pool depth (m)

ea vapor pressure in ambient air (Pa)

es saturation vapor pressure of air at pool temperature (Pa)

Esky emissivity of sky (-)

Ew emissivity of water (-)

G acceleration of gravity (m/s2)

GrL Grashof number (-)

average convection coefficient (W/m2 °C)

hevap wind speed function for evaporation (W/m2 Pa)

HR humidity ratio (kg/kg)

kair thermal conductivity of air (W/m °C)

ksoil thermal conductivity of soil (W/m °C)

L average length of pool (m)

Lc characteristic length of pool used for shape factor calculations (m)

average Nusselt number (-)

Osky opaque sky cover (tenths)

P perimeter of pool (m)

pa ambient pressure (Pa)

po reference pressure (Pa)

Pr Prandtl number (-)

dimensionless conduction heat rate (-)

qcond conduction heat flux (W/m2)

qconv convection heat flux (W/m2)

qevap evaporation heat flux (W/m2)

qrad radiation heat flux (W/m2)

Qsolar solar heat gain (W)

RBowen Bowen ratio (-)

RaL Rayleigh number (-)

S solar input (W/m2)

Ta ambient air temperature (°C)

Tdew dew point temperature (°C)

Tw swimming pool temperature (°C)

Tsky effective sky temperature (°C)

Tsoil soil temperature (°C)

V wind speed (m/s)

? absorptivity of water (-)

ßa thermal expansion coefficient of air (1/°C)

ßw thermal expansion coefficient of water (1/°C)

? density of water (kg/m3)

s Stefan-Boltzmann constant (5.67 E-8 W/m2 K4)

? kinematic viscosity of air (m2/s)

w average width of pool (m)

Swimming Hall So The Customer Will Be Like Designing The Swimming Pool And The Hall

Chapter I: Introduction


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