Designing A Research Study

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Designing a Research Study

Assignment 2 - Case

Designing a Research Study

Research question

The research question was to find out the relation between the obesity and the mortality rate among the women.


The Quasi experiment research design is selected for the research and the design is appropriate for the research.

The research has been performed by expanding the group. The non equivalent groups are used in the study because it can help to reduce the potential of a specific selection bias that was causing an effect on the results. The research was conducted on the basis of multiple measures and a specific cohort group of women was selected (Trochim W. 2006).

Body mass index and mortality

The shape of relationship which was obtained between body mass index and mortality was a J-shaped relation (Manson, J.E. et al 1995). Furthermore, other studies present some different results of the relation between the body mass index and the mortality. Some studies show that there is no association between the body mass index and mortality (Schroll M. 1981). Other findings indicate that there is a U-shaped relation (Waaler HT 1984). Some researches also represent the direct (BPS 1959) and also an inverse relation between the mortality and body mass index (Hyde J. et al 1990). A direct relationship was witnessed between the body mass index and mortality in the group of non smoker women. There was a J-shaped relationship between the body mass index and mortality in the former smokers and current smoker women (Manson, J.E. et al 1995).

There was a J-shaped relationship between the body mass index and overall mortality because the obese women are at a higher risk to develop diabetics; hypertension and increased serum cholesterol level so that they are at the high risk of mortality (Itallie, TB. 1979). There is a direct relation between the body mass index and the mortality among the non smoking women because the body mass index and the smoking are inversely related to each other and 44% of the women among the group were slim and 24% of the women were obese (Manson, J.E et al 1995).

An extra examination was performed to address the effects of decrease in weight due to some disease or the disease was pre existing. The analysis was performed only for the women who had unwavering weight for four years and were non smokers.

The researchers can convert the distribution of body mass index to the levels of normality (Cornfield et al 1961). The levels of normality can be achieved by changing the shape of the regression model. The change in shape is provided by changing the distribution of variables (Kay R, et al, 1987). The change in distribution can be brought by using 1/BMI (height2/weight) instead of BMI (weight/height2). 1/BMI is used to determine the lean body mass by which the amount of body fat can be calculated more easily (Nevill, AM. et al 1995).


When the analysis was restricted to the women with stable weight then a direct relation ...
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