Describe A Place Through A Visit Of One Day Or Part Of Day.

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Describe a place through a visit of one day or part of day.

Travel is a leisure activity and people travel to exotic countries to take respite from their tedious work routine. There is another kind of journey, the journey of culture, the trip to see the world. This type of travel can be very attractive to young people, as they travel around by train, car, and plane or even hitchhiking. My trip to South Africa is the most memorable one as it not only entertained me by its rich cultural heritage but also enhanced my knowledge  about its traditional diversity.

After the World Cup, many Latin Americans began traveling to South Africa to discover this wonderful part of the world. As our team lost the world cup, I was very disappointed and needed a break to relax myself. I had 15 annual leaves to avail as I had not taken any that year. So I planned to take a trip somewhere. I chose South Africa because of its rich cultural and traditional diversity. Moreover, the safari at South Africa was the major attraction enticing me to visit the place. I did not know much about South Africa so it was vital to learn the history and culture of the country. 

It made a lot of preparations before leaving: vaccines, readings, videos and clothes in shades of khaki to amalgamate in the forest environment and not draw attention to the animals. I prepared everything before taking a 16-hour flight from New York to Johannesburg, in a comfortable Business Class South African Airways, with wines from South Africa and a rich cuisine. With good service, seat-bed and coddled, the flight was very comfortable and less long than I thought. I was very excited with the idea of visitng safari at South Afirca as I ...
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