Dependency And Care

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Dependency and Care

Dependency and Care Critical Perspectives on Policy and Practice

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Dependency and Care Critical Perspectives on Policy and Practice


Defining social policy is a difficult task and most of the sociologists and other individuals remain confused as to what should be included in the definition: the academic subject, the results and outcomes of the policy making processes or simply an interdisciplinary field of study against a social science discipline on its own (Alcock, 2003, Pp: 201). However, the question can be answered by describing social policy as a study of social welfare and human wellbeing. It includes the social relations that are essential for human welfare and systems which assist in promoting human wellbeing (Dean, 2002, Pp: 256).


Theory of Care:

Medical professional have long been holding field of care and dependency, who appear as only option when it comes to health care. However, the interpersonal relations between the health professionals, their patients and other health care staff have proven be of utmost importance in the past few years. The recent researches in sociology of health care and dependency show significant and significant alterations in healthcare arrangements, including growing financial pressures and increasing state regulations resulting from modern models of corporate healthcare. Researches on care started in 1980's, when there were a number of feminist movements followed by the disabled movements (Payne, 2005, Pp: 145).

Theory of Dependency:

Dependency is also a highly emotional and widely used the concept that typically comes in the context of adult care. However, there is a slight difference between the meaning and implication of both. While care accounts for a tender, positive and workable concept, dependency refers to a partially negative and cold concept in which one reliant on someone else for basic needs and for fulfilling primary functions of life.

There are some theories that state dependency as a perfectly normal and sometimes even necessary condition, however, there others that continue to portray the concept with a grim touch. In one's private life, at times need for dependency is there for proper and normal development. For example if a child does not depend on someone for guidance, he would fail to be a normal and properly developed human being. His learning abilities would be rendered insecure because of his sheer independence and other cognitive skills would be equally affected.

However, there is an association of the term with an embarrassing and socially inappropriate touch by some people, that is mere misuse of the concept; actually, dependency is as much a social construct as care is.

Challenges to care and dependency:

Since 1970's and in early 1980's field of dependency has been under attack by various movements and groups, including consumer activism, effects of feminist movements and old age and disability movements.

Feminist movement:

The feminist activists started off in min 1970's and revealed to people what they thought to be up till then a genuine female activity. The only concern of the emergence of the specialized field is with care research is mainly due to the feminist movements, which increased popularity ...
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