Denial Of Gay Rights

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Denial of Gay Rights


Gay right movement is deciphered as a social and political movement that seeks to achieve the social normalization and equal rights for gays. In the second half of the nineteenth century sodomy was a crime in most Western countries and their colonies. It was only decriminalized in countries that had followed the example of the French penal code offenses which considered only those behaviors that would harm a third in Europe in addition to these exceptions were France , Spain , Belgium , Luxembourg , Netherlands , Portugal , Italy, Bavaria, Latin Brazil , Mexico , Guatemala and Argentina . In the other countries homosexuals suffered imprisonment, generally between 5 and 10 years, which in some places could get life imprisonment and even death penalty. This meant that in the last third of the initiatives began to emerge where calling for the decriminalization of homosexuality is still condemned. This paper deals with the denial of gay rights prevailing in the society.

Denial of Gay Rights

Social Problem

Controversies seem to have dwelled the American society since earlier times, an up till now this society is constantly embroiled in one controversial issue or other. Interestingly, what earlier was confined to only a handful of regional territories spreads to the entire world, courtesy the technological and scientific advancements the digital and print media has attained over time.

As discussed earlier, numerous controversies seem to have found their inhabitancy in American region; however, lately a controversial issue that really has embroiled the entire nation pertains to the rights of a distinct yet substantial chunk of the population, who wish to live their lives and exercise their emotions and desires, openly and without any societal constraint (Allen, 2006). This shout for being enabled to live a hurdle free life indicates the issue of the Gay Rights in America.

It is the endowment of the modern day media that has taken this issue to new heights. Not only did it render enough fortitude to the gay community to eloquently articulate their feelings and desire of being legally accepted, but also the media played a pivotal role in extensively covering this issue, and compelling the nation to have serious thoughts about this growing matter.

Qualify as a “Social Problem”

There has been an ongoing debate on the gay's rights or the past couple of days all over the world. Gays rights movements and campaigns are regularly being conducted. The civil rights movement may have started to improve the lives of a large number of different ethnical groups. Laws in Quest for equal rights of people who have been unfairly persecuted for hundreds of years will encourage and lead to another group of citizens. Although their origin may be quite different their goals remain the same, it remains for all members of American society, "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness". Many gays see this as just the beginning in this long struggle for gay rights that they were hoping for. Thus, in the context of the paper we ...