Democracy & Terrorism

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Democracy & Terrorism

Democracy & Terrorism


Terrorism has as its premise (false) legitimacy to constant victimization, real or fictitious, of its promoters. This reasoning is always, in the abstract, a state, a people, or another political community, national or racial. And what makes triggering the weapons of terror through a secret group that consciousness would be advanced, prophetic, or lucid those who consider themselves (or are) really oppressed or that holders of absolute good. Terrorism, as not able to be justified by ethical principles of universality, takes refuge in a ever built by the will of those who practice it.

It is common to identify terrorism as a violent and irrational action immediately linked to certain political positions. It is obvious that the decisions of the terrorist, or your group, always seek to justify themselves politically in order to legitimize their actions, but the argument is just a political speech "arranged": nothing is more opposite or reverse the policy of the terrorist action (Freytag, 2011).


I want to mention here as terrorism, violent actions that victimize those people or groups that are formally outside a political confrontation, rational, religious or national level and become the target of actions produced covertly and violent. Terrorism is incompatible with both democracy (a contract that requires political dialogue for mutual legitimating), as it is incompatible with dictatorship (which requires adherence to a single project). Democracy can not eliminate or absorb the methods of terror because it dispenses with a contract to legitimize them. The dictatorship cannot absorb terrorism, because terrorism is already dictatorship of other technically organized, which repels his identical out of power (Lee, 2013).

Definition of Terrorism

The aspect of terrorism according to the article can be expressed in form of an activity that has a significant impact on the potential terorrist's lifestyle. Any activity that is having a direct effect on the lifestyle of a person would be significantly termed as terrorism (Shahrouri, 2013).

Causes of Terrorism

Some claim that financial and governmental oppression, and the deficiency of totally free appearance, can cause terrorism and that democracy and independence will allow the would-be terrorists to engage in their lifestyles unimpeded and that terrorism will no more be necessary. Others claim that terrorists manipulate democracy and that battling terrorism needs eliminating municipal rights and creating the nation less democratic.

Yes the causes of terrorism are highly practical since a majority of these causes have been largely ...
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