Democracy And Its Importance

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Democracy and its Importance

Democracy and its Importance


The individuals in a country may be solely responsible for their own actions and the consequences of those actions. However, the need to control and guide them collectively is inevitable. Moreover, there are also certain needs of individuals living in an organization for which they will be needing the help and assistance of others more experienced from them. Hence, no matter how self sufficient and dedicated are the individuals living in a country or society, they will always need assistance from a particular group of individuals working as an institution or a single individual leading them as them as their ruler. Hence, several different forms and patterns of forming such governing bodies or choosing an individual ruler have been adapted from time to time. However, one of the most common types of governance that has been exercised in slightly different forms and with various different names is the one that is now commonly known as Democracy. Moreover, because of the number of benefits it offers, Democracy has been adapted by a number of countries and nations throughout as a common means of governing system.


There are a number of governing options and styles besides Democracy for the people of any country. These include imperialism, dictatorship and various other forms of governments or rulers. All these options however have been tried and tested in various different parts of the world. However, because of the fact that Democracy remains the only system that empowers the citizens of a society with such authority and power that no system offers.

Defining Democracy

The form of government whose sole responsibility is to provide the citizens with the opportunity and authority to have an equal say and opinion in the decision making of various state related matters or policies, internal and foreign. Therefore, Democracy encourages and promotes all the citizens participating equally and effectively in the proposal, evolvement, development, creation and declaration of laws, policies and strategies. However, directly or with the help of any electoral process the citizens of the state are fully aware of the events and happenings of the state. Moreover, the most important benefit offered by Democracy is the freedom to acknowledge and exercise various religious, cultural, social and economical rights for the citizens in the state (Rejail, 2009).

Forms of Democracy

Democracy throughout is exercised in two basic forms. The similarity in both the forms is the concern for the working principles and methods to ensure citizens welfare and satisfaction. One of the forms of democracy is known as Direct Democracy. This includes rules and codes that promote a direct and active participation of citizens in decision making for various different matters of the state.

On the other hand, there is Representative Democracy practiced by most modern and liberal democratic countries. The basic principles of this democracy form includes the sovereign power and authority although rests with the citizens. However, elected representative are used to exercise the political power indirectly. The Age of Enlightenment, European Middle ...
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