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Answer to Part 1

America is a constitutional republic, presidential and federal. Here government has some limited powers enumerated in the Constitution of the United States. This type of government is known as presidential democracy because a president here rules the country. However, there are US citizens who disagree with the statement that United States is democratic and believe that “The American judicial system (especially the Supreme Court) is antidemocratic”. This is a long heated debate and has various arguments and aspects on it. In a democracy such as that of America, the Supreme Court plays a paradoxical and crucial role. There are several Americans who believe that the president of States is a head of an anti democratic branch of the federal government. People believe that in the face of opposition, the court has always tried to defend the principles that were fundamental and related to equality and freedom. Most of the issues that were controversial in the politics of America, starting from the gay rights to the school prayer all end up before reaching the court. Then the appointment of justices for life take place which consider these problems in constitutional terms rather than considering it under political terms. Judicial review is one of the greatest powers of the Supreme Court. Justices have usually been seen to be praised because they try their best to thwart the will that is owned by the US citizen whether it may be to hunt down the laws passed by state or federal legislatures with the point that they are violating the constitution's principles. All these laws being hunted down by the Supreme Court explain why the judiciary has been criticized a lot by the local population considering it anti democratic. Not only has this but Alexander Bickel was a scholar who also talked ...
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