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Democracy and America

Democracy and America

Basic Democratic Values of American Society

The basic human values are as follows:

Cultural (freedom, law, education, relationships, etc.);

Moral (good sense of life, dignity, responsibility, etc.);

Religious (faith);

Legal (privacy, human rights, law and order, justice, peace, etc.)

Understanding human values ??of each country depends on many factors. For the U.S., the main such factor is their story. U.S. is a country of immigrants who came to this earth to become independent from Britain. The first American settlers broke the resistance of the Indians, won the Wild West and founded a progressive industry, built skyscrapers, created the most suitable conditions for life and today continue in the same spirit: it is better, higher, and faster.

Americans interpret their basic values in their respective lives. It applies to tolerate or not to take the American way of life. Freedom is the cornerstone of American values. It manifests itself in all spheres of American society. The concept that every individual has the right to control their lives, and influenced by a form of government, which has been adopted here. The individual rights of every citizen are guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. These rights are protected by the constitution so that, in spite of the fact that some people sometimes complain of too much loyalty to the criminals, they are sure that it is better to release a few guilty people than to hide behind the bars of one innocent person (Durant, 2010).

Thus, Americans interpret freedom as their most important achievements on the basis of which has already imposed other values. Therefore, in the American hierarchy of values ??of freedom takes the first place: freedom, progress, time and its control, rivalry, orientation to the future, informality, openness, efficiency, materialism, optimism etc...

The next value is the equality. Ever since the Americans began to settle in North America, the idea that all are equal and that each work should be rewarded equally. This idea has been for many years based on a religious basis. Americans believe that God created all equal. Most of them believe that God bestows on all fairness, regardless of mental, physical ability, economic status, etc. But seven eighths of the world's population think differently, so they do not fully understand the American concept of equality (Box, 2009).

Democracy is not an equation that can be summed up in demos + kratos = rule by the people, even in its most strict, democracy represents the ultimate definition of popular sovereignty, also represents a complex configuration of beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, ways of thinking and understand both politics and everything that happens in society. While elections are the ultimate way to shape the popular representative bodies and government, democracy is not just the simple fact that citizens go to the polls on Election Day, on the contrary, democracy and its construction and continued strengthening require the active participation of citizens in all aspects of social and political life.

The participation of citizens in public affairs is generated ...
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