Dementia Care Matters

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Dementia Care Matters

[Name of the Teacher]Dementia Care Matters


A neurodegenerative disorder that results in the impaired neural abilities to execute daily projects, reasoning and justification, alterations in the attitude and mood patterns is a “Dementia” representation. The patient care for the patients with dementia requires stabling and enhancing their health and wellbeing through assessments and interventions to treat patient in a holistic perception.


Person Centred Care and Self

The patient cantered care (PCC) beliefs involves the individual's exclusive worth, its self-reflection and past history and population is encouraged to contribute in the social and physical environment with self-possession and refinement. The patient cantered care involves the respect the dementia patient and caring attitudes of physicians, psychologist, nurses, family and community towards the patient, the care models and practices designing, organizational, structural and cultural factors enhancement to improve sufferer patient's life. Hence the PCC act as an interaction bridge between the active dementia patients and the families and care providers. Hence, ultimate objective is to create partnership among the dementia patient, home care staff and families to improve quality of health and life (“8 FRAMEWORK Guidelines for Care: Person-cantered care of people with dementia living in care homes”, 2011, p. p.3-9).

Person cantered care Dementia Patient

Admiration and Self-respect

The PCC for the dementia patient involves the maintenance of self-respect and veneration for the dementia patient. The care provider must pay attention to patient concerns and respect patients preferences and choices. The dementia patients have value remain sustained throughout the treatment process. The patient's values, cultures, social interactions and families concerns are also incorporated in the care practices.

Share of Information

The patient cantered care staff share and communicate without biasness with the dementia patients and their families. The patients are expected to attain complete precise and authentic piece of their health status to make efficient decision and participation in their health maintenance.


The patient and its family are encouraged to participate in decision and counselling sessions to promote overall health. The effective therapeutic relation depends on the patient participation irrespective of the disease degree and severity.

Partnership and Teamwork

The patient cantered care encourages the collaborative working in partnership with the dementia patients. The managers of home care interact with people to develop policies and procedures, evaluation, scientific reasoning and implementation in healthcare home proposal and professional teachings and care plans.

Yourself in Your Own Life and Your Own Life History

My self-role in my life as a care home manger involves the establishment of patient's autonomy through respecting their dignity and self-respect to assure improved quality of life. Through the delivery of proper care to the patients that results in their physical and mental health improvements and satisfaction development among patients and their families elated to the patient cantered care delivery supplied to patients. The tough and the challenging life faced by my father with the neurodegenerative dementia disease encouraged me to direct my education in the humanity care provider fields. As had been in relation with the dementia patient led me with more disease knowledge and awareness that aided in ...