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Dementia is a decline in the brain function which affects the memory, thinking, language, judgment, and behavior of elderly person's daily life activities. Most cause of dementia is not preventable however you can lower your risk. People who are at a higher risk of a common type of dementia are those that who have learning disability, smoke, obese, diabetes, high cholesterol or drink a lot of alcohol. It's very important to diagnose dementia at it early stage to be able to treat the patient to delay disease progression. Most people living with dementia are over 65 years old and the number of cases will continue to increase tremendously. Therefore, dementia will cause nursing homes, assistant living, and homes with memory impaired person to expand due to the needs of care of care giving.

The most common type of dementia are Alzheimer's dementia, vascular dementia, Dementia with Lewy bodies and front temporal dementia. Other types of disease associated with dementia are Pick's disease, Korasakoff's syndrome, and Parkinson's disease. If you ever see an elderly family or friend that are experiencing problems with communication and language, ability to focus and pay attention, making reasoning or judgment, and visual perception encourage them to see a doctor. Coping with dementia is not easy but you got to do be as patient, loving, kind, understanding, and willing dedicate some of your time to someone with this illness. It is unfortunate dementia is not usually reversible diseases.


The term “Dementia” refers to disease that is associated with the chronic illness. To understand this type of disease, dominant approaches are considered within the field of psychology (Elkins 2012). In the psychology regarding the illness and psychology, there are two approaches that indicate as an evident; first is “interactionist perspectives” (that usually shows the meaning of the illness regarding the individuals and their family as well as highlighting the impact on individual's identity and second is “socio-structural approaches” that comes under the structure based on functions (they are more towards illness's impact for the individual and their family but it is based on day to day lives). The disorientation and the forgetfulness are normally considered as the normal part regarding the phase of aging (Elkins 2012). It has discovered that these impairments are inevitable if an individual lives for a longer time period. Presently is believed that the disease; dementia indicates the abnormal state of human being in which many causes are able to be identify and determine (Perrin 1997). The definition of the “Dementia” briefly describe, “It refers to the declination of intellectuality of severity (i.e. enough and sufficient) towards the social impairment and functioning of occupation that is happened or occurred in the normal consciousness of a human being).

There are four essential factors that are involved in the definition of dementia;

Impairment Globally

An element of impairment is involved in the disease of dementia that is also referred to the global. The impairments are usually occurred more than the memory of the human ...
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