Degree Benefits And Drawbacks

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Benefits and drawbacks of studying for a degree. Which appears to be more persuasive?

Benefits and Drawbacks of Studying For a Degree


An academic degree is a college or university certification, which usually relates to a title or an academic position. An academic degree is granted to the individual after the candidate has completed the agreed course. The degree is awarded in recognition of that achievement. The common degrees today awarded are Bachelors (B Sc. BA), Masters (M Sc. MA) and Doctorate (PhD) levels.

In light of the journal article,” Post-graduation reflections on the value of a degree” authored by Rachel Brooks and Glyn Everett, this essays begins by addressing and discussing the benefits and drawback of studying for a degree, going on to conclude the debate whether it is beneficial or detrimental. The expression “basic degree” has been utilised to express undergraduate degrees or diplomas whereas the expression “higher degree” is being used to represent 'post-graduate level' degrees.


The discussion on the beneficial and downside angles of acquiring a degree makes for an interesting analysis. Starting off with the benefits associated with a degree, the highly prioritised and the most common aspect is employability. Acquiring a higher education degree enhances the chances for securing employment after graduation and establishing oneself in the fierce job market. It is, in today's day and age this belief is wide spread that a degree is the basic minimum pre-requisite (Brooks and Everett, 2009, pp.337). For a person to be eligible for employment, a basic degree is required by the market in order to be eligible for employment. A degree consolidated with experience in relevant fields also increases the chances of a candidate in securing a potential employment position. With the argument developed above, almost everyone stated that, higher education is considered to be a basic minimum level of degree and consolidating it with experience relevant to it, is considered more important. (Brooks and Everett, 2009, pp.339).

Acquiring a degree tends to open closed doors for the individual. Certain areas of specialisation such as researchers, doctors, scientists e.t.c require a level of degree and further specialization in order to be able to pursue that career path. These careers are [particularly intellectually rewarding. Having a higher degree does tend to facilitate the path for attaining more financially rewarding jobs, however, it is not a guarantee. Having a degree does not entitle one to increased amounts of wages but it provides credibility and access to the person towards jobs and employment opportunities that are more financially rewarding and secure. It has been suggested that, many of the individuals who went on to postgraduate study either few years later or after graduation, highlighted its magnitude in preparing them for the types of jobs they wished to take up. (Brooks and Everett, 2009, pp.344).

Pursuing a higher degree can supplement the individual with an edge over other potential employment seekers. The added level of skills and knowledge can greatly increase the skill-set. Furthermore, the credibility of an individual increases in the ...
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