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As the word implies, a prejudice is a judgment made in advance, "before". The review, verification or the finding that the warrant. Therefore prejudice means: take for granted something that, objectively, is not, or hold as true a statement which, in fact, remains doubtful. Therefore the bias seems to be illegitimate by definition: it consists of a precipitation of the mind in the judgment, more or less operated in good faith, and no matter in this regard it is "favorable" or "unfavorable ".

Specifically, in its most common use seems prejudice or concentrate solely on individuals or groups of people, and concern the morality of their behavior. About an individual, the bias will be to determine in advance how he will behave, from what is believed to be his irreformability: "Doe so, it will necessarily do this or that." About one category, the bias is to apply a feature observed in some individuals, and therefore to make this a characteristic component of the core members of that class, which then allows applying immediately to any individual who belongs.


Discrimination is a form of passive violence, becoming, at times, this attack in a physical fight. Designate who discriminate or less differential treatment in terms of rights and social considerations of individuals, organizations and states. They make the difference either by skin color, ethnicity, sex, age, culture, religion or ideology.

Discriminate individuals have a distorted view of man's essence and attribute to themselves characteristics or virtues that put them a step up from certain groups. From the "height" can judge the rest of the individuals for qualities that make the essence of these. Many times this rejection is manifested hateful looks or lack of acceptance in public places, jobs or schools, actions that affect the person rejected.


Ethnocentrism means that a group of people views the world from its own distinct set of cultural values, or ways of living and thinking. This bias typically leads to feelings of superiority in its relationships with other groups. Ethnocentrism varies widely in type and degree among cultures.

Ethnocentrism makes appreciating cultural diversity difficult if not unattainable. Indeed, most people do not understand that they do not understand other people's cultural values. People may try to be genuinely empathetic to those with different cultural values, but even geographers, anthropologists, and sociologists fail in ridding themselves of subconscious predilections.

Bigotry and racism can emanate from ethnocentrism. Extreme ethnocentrism can cause ethnocide or ...
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