Defensive Weapons For Self-Help

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Defensive Weapons for Self-Help

Introduction to defensive weapons

The history of weapon is as old as a human being. When people were living in primitive societies, they had constant danger of violent animals, insects and reptiles. For this, they used different techniques and weapons for self-defense. Weapon is any device which is to inflict harm or damage to humans, animals, any structure or system (Felson & Pare2010). In a society, weapons are either using for offensive or defensive. The defensive are those weapons which individuals keep with themselves or in homes, offices and other places. The purpose is to protect them because there is fear of crime.

On the other hand, there are offensive weapons, which use by the offenders for the purpose of attack or crime. There is the variety of defensive weapons which also use by the army, police and common men. Some weapons have placed inside the clothing and could not be used. In the same way, when terrorists are hosting people for the sake of ransom, diversionary weapons come into place for disturbing them. When any unlicensed handgun is in the hands of man, it must be dealt seriously because it may cause harm to others. At the time of acquiring weapon certificate, policies regarding use have communicated with the individuals. These policies are favorable and good for the sake of humanity.

Theories of related to Defense

According to the general theory of crime, the lack of chief control is the chief cause of criminal behavior (Akers, 2009). Children without parents have less self-control over themselves as compared to parenting. In addition, those individuals who have not formal schooling and good peer group are also facing the problem of self-control. They have more tendency of indulging in the crime industry that is diverse and difficult to leave. The theory of Donald Black defines the causes of crime in another way. Individuals, particularly females who get involvement in homosexual, are more tend to violence. In prisons, the homosexuality is common. Those individuals who have the experience of prison or victims of sexuality have also inclination toward the crime.

In every society, there is a governing body that controls the reins to exploit, it according to the needs of times. In societies where the control of government is weak, people take measures for self-help. At the individual level, self-help is the form of social control (Ross, 2009). However, in collective social control, it is the responsibility of government to maintain law and order as people can fulfils their social, economic, and political activities without the fear of crime.Why People Uses Defensive Weapons1. Fear of crime

There is no any denying that in every society, irrespective of size and standard, there is fear of crime. According to one report, in America one out of fourteen adults, have handgun only for the self-defense. Moreover, 43% individuals feel unsafe while walking alone at night (Brennan, & Moore, 2009).

2. Fear of dangerous animals

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