Defense In Football

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Defense in Football

Thesis Statement

American football is almost exclusively played in the United States and ignored everywhere else. The major reason the world's football is so huge in so many countries is because Soccer is an extremely inexpensive sport to play and far less complicated to organize than the American version of football. While conversely, American football is a very high maintenance sport which requires very expensive equipment. As opposed to Soccer, which requires almost no equipment and all a potential player really needs is a ball. Because of this important yet rarely mentioned fact the sport spread all over the world and contributed to its Mega Huge popularity, particularly among third world countries.The game of football is one of the most skilled games of sport. The object of course is to win with eleven men. That is accomplished by scoring. There are several ways to score. There can be scoring opportunities on both sides of the ball which are referred to as, offense or defense. There are key factors in the game of football,


The defense side of the ball is also complicated in its own right. The defense of old consisted of 6 linemen, 3 linebackers and 2 safeties. In the New World of the NFL, we have the 4-3 alignment and the 3-4 alignment schemes. Both types of defense are effective. We could argue which defensive scheme is better than the other forever. Both defenses have their own strategies. The 4-3 capitalizes on big men up front or also called the front 4. The 3-4 on the other hand relies on fast and agile men up front and the linebacking corps to pursue the ball. The 4-3 alignment relies on the front four to funnel the ball movement from the offense to the linebackers.(Dennis Helms Pp. 14)

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