Defamation And The Internet: Name Calling On Internet Chats

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Defamation and the Internet: Name Calling on internet chats

Defamation and the Internet: Name Calling on internet chats


The communication of a statement that makes a claim, implied or expressly stated to be factual that may give a business, individual, group, government, nation or religion an inferior or negative image is known as 'Defamation'. Defamation is also known as vilification, calumny, traducement, libel or slander. This statement can be disparaging statement made by an individual about another that is published or communicated. It may be true or false depending on the legal state. According to the common law, it is generally a requirement that the publication is communicated to someone else other than an individual that is defamed and the claim is false. In the common law jurisdictions, libel refers to a form of communication like written works or pictures (logos etc.), while slander is referred to a false, malicious and defamatory spoken or written report or statement. Most of the jurisdictions allow the legal actions, criminal or civil to identify or highlight the kinds of defamation and take strict actions against those people who are found involved in these activities. The public disclosure of private facts is also one of its kinds of defamation that arises in those situations in which one person discloses the information that is not related to public and it could offend a reasonable person. If the publication of the statement or information is false or fake then a tort of defamation can come forth, but if the information or statement is not technically fake but still it can mislead people then a tort of false light might have occurred. Under some of the civil law jurisdiction the cases of defamation are dealt as a crime rather than a tort. Simple definition of defamation would be “An act that is executed to harm someone's reputation” and the person who executes this act is known as defamer, famacide or slanerer.


There are mainly two types of defamation. Those are as follows:


The slander is a type of defamation in which the statement or information is published in spoken words, sign language and sounds (speech) against an individual, organization or group to offend them. Both slander and libel are published. The term defamation is a general term that is used internationally.


A type of defamation that is based in printed or written words, images or any other form but not the spoken words is known as Libel. Defamation of this kind was originated in England in the 17th century. There are various ways that can be used for identifying libel. The steps of identifying libel can be as follows:

Firstly, an individual should prove that the information or statement was not true.

Secondly, an individual must be able to provide evidence that this statement or information has caused harm to him or her.

Thirdly, an individual must be able to prove that the information or statement was produced with no adequate research that can prove the truthfulness of the ...
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