Decision Making-Critical Analysis

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Decision Making- Critical Analysis

Decision Making- Critical Analysis


In everyday activity and everyday life, we go through many problems that require decision making. Our mind makes thousand s of decision per day from the time we wake up in the morning and the time we go to the bed to sleep. Some of the basic examples could be like, should I wake up now, or should I stay in bed for 10 more minutes, or perhaps, 30 more minutes. That decision could have been relaxing for you, but may be you could have been late for work, or say you could have done your breakfast on time and would not have to go through the stomach growling in the office. Etc. On the whole, every decision you make has an impact on your life and has a consequence, that sometimes are drastic and sometimes plays a very small role on your life. It is one of the big parts of the workplace, and at times, it has many processes that are done without the realization of the impact it will pay on your future. Often in groups there have to be a decision, to be made to solve problems, and to make decisions. There are methods developed luckily to make group making decisions. People take suggestions and opinions on something or someone, but usually to solve a problem it takes more to solve.

Problem solving has a very complex goal, in which groups develop a plan and analyze a problem of action for reducing a harmful effect or to solve a problem (Guzzo, R. A., & Salas, E., 1995).

Most groups may not solve problems but may make decisions. Usually an alternative arises, when the decision has been processed. In this assignment, we will be discussing the decision making individually and in groups of teams, which one is better to solve a problem. And we will be discussing the personal experiences consistent and inconsistent of these theories in the light of relationship between our decision-making examples and the role of sense-making/sense-sharing. In the end, we will be developing a conclusion of behalf of these theories produced by the writers.


As we have gone through the theories of decision making, some of them will be mentioned in the paragraphs and then few general experiences consistent with these theories shall be discussed.

In humanistic approach theory, that was developed by Rogers in 1970. This theory focuses on nomothetic and individual in parts. This theory focuses on the individual's self actualisation and personal growth. This approach focuses on individual development and also explore the concept of self and self concept, that how an individual perceive himself. This has to do with the self concept and objective measure of development of fulfilment.

One of my personal experiences on this approach is, when on working on a project. Many people have to face difficulties with their personality grooming. Some people are very shy to speak in front of anyone or shy to speak in ...
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