Debating Globalisation

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Debating Globalisation

Debating Globalisation


The objective of this work is to contribute to the current debate on the role of private enterprise in the provision of water supply and sanitation in developing countries, seeking to overcome this polarization between political-ideological positions radically favourable or contrary to any form 'privatization' of the sector.

The phenomenon of globalization despite being relatively recent origin is quite ancient in world history. But only after the twentieth and early twenty-first its meaning and peculiarities took the forms currently known, with its benefits and detriments (Paavola, 2013 pp. 143). Currently the issue is internationalized and cultural customs, habits and speed of information. Information technology is critical in the course of this process.

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That globalization can be understood as integration in all areas relevant to the contemporary world respectively. Reaches in several societies and almost all individuals, especially youth reaches the public (Voegelin, 2010). Certainly this phenomenon only occurs effectively by the predominance of communication and means on an international scale.

Thus the development of communication is needed to achieve globalization and information exchange. These media are conditions for dialogue with young people. Through television, radio, internet, social networking and other means. Certainly, it is possible to verify that such media represent a considerable influence on the customs, habits, thoughts, behaviours, actions and attitudes of young people.


The communicative media power can also help spread awareness and new concepts of a critical posture reality of youths, which would be beneficial to prevent problem situations inherent to youth universe, as it can be: national campaigns to combat the use and trafficking of drugs in this age group, in advertisements that promote contraception in the juvenile age to alert the responsibility of sex in adolescence as a way to prevent unwanted pregnancy, advertisements that promote popular support for social causes relevant to youth, encourage through media to the act of voting in youth as a way to practice their citizenship, engaging young people in environmental fight (Paavola, 2013 pp. 143).

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However, unfortunately not always the desired reality, since it is the perceived increase in violent scenes and spreading capitalist interests of brands and businesses, reducing youth to mere individuals potentially consuming and profitability to the system.

This practice aims introductory reflection about the multiple meanings that globalization takes in the contemporary world (Paavola, 2013 pp. 143). The expectation is to open the discussion so that students understand the impact of globalization on the way we perceive the world. Some perspectives (sociological) indicate profound changes in the modes of feeling, perceiving and living with the acceleration of trade on a global scale. This process, which is radicalized during the twentieth century, indicates changes not only economic, but above all cultural in how we experience time and space.

As already noted by researcher, it is not exactly a movement of homogenization of behaviours, values ??and worldviews, but rather refers to a global process that is felt in different ways depending on the position we occupy in ...
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