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Debate: “We shall never understand the brain”

We shall never understand the brain


There has been a wide research on brain and its functions and the research has provided information about the various functions of brain. Brain is one of the most important and active part of the body and the functioning of brain is also complicated along with the processes functioning ion the brain. There has been a huge debate on the understanding of brain and various researchers have provided their views about bran and its functions. Ray Kurzweil has provided a detail about the debate on the human barain that we do not understand the brain.

Debate: Proposition and against

The study of brain provides the "maturity of mind" in humans, is superfluous. Consciousness for own needs is not fully using it. Indeed, the mass of the brain of modern man, on average in 1450 is usually tacitly assumed that the entire increase in brain mass compared to the ancestor of the person involved to ensure the "development of consciousness," its power and efficiency.

However, the relationship between brain mass and "development of consciousness," we emphasize - ordinary, everyday consciousness is not so clear and unambiguous, as is usually assumed (Sebastian, 2002, pp. 78). There are numerous instances of significant pathological and mechanical damage of the brain are not accompanied by any noticeable decrease "of development of consciousness." On the other hand, the mass of the brain of Albert Einstein's roughly corresponded to the lower limit of normal for a man - in 1230 and this little, just for children, the brain has not prevented him from becoming a brilliant scientist. Some psychologists point out that to solve the problems, which are usually occupied our minds, even to "ensure the flight to the moon," would be enough "brains" of less than 100-150 grams. ...
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