Death Penalty

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Death penalty


The death penalty is a controversial issue in our culture. Many people support or oppose capital punishment. Many writers and researcher worked on this topic to date and gave several justifications in both favor and oppose. My intention in this paper is to write in favor of the death penalty because it provides justice and maintain equality in the society.

Pros of the death penalty

From society and legal authorities' view point, death punishment should be used to discourage the crime rate and offenses rate from such serious offenses. Since no one want to lose his life, that is why people favor for the death penalty and the think that is the highest punishment to deter murder. If criminal are ordered for the death penalty, and executed then the other person who may think of crime will be reluctant by the fear of losing his own life. Specific deterrence intends at individual criminals. It is the way to make punishment too harsh so, the criminal in the future will not follow the same crime. General deterrence intends at the general public, and with this, intention is to make an example so, others will learn the lesson from it and never attempt to commit the same mistake (Chiricos 1992, 553).

People who feel fear due to crime is more supportive for the death penalty. In addition, some supporters of the capital death think that rates of crime are rising, and they perceive crime as a serious issue for the society. They think that violence in the society may lead to the problem of mainlining law and order situation. The death penalty is a fair way to achieve justice; it involves the application of the death penalty against injustice. There is different considerations play an important role in determining whether the first murderer deserves death it deserves.

Advocators of the death penalty for prevention argue that a death penalty is more helpful than imprisonment for whole life or a prolonged. According to the scholars, deterrence is a useful reason for backing up the death penalty. Different people, especially politicians, argue that the death penalty is a successful barrier for future crimes. The deterrence perspective indicates that the death penalty brings down violence also gives lessons to the other criminals. According to researches and opinions, most people have a believe that the death penalty is prevention to murder, they believe that people will stop killing each other ...
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