De Stress Zone

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De Stress Zone


In today's world human beings are running away from the nature. They have forgotten the importance of nature and are too busy in their own work and get no time to relax and enjoy the environment and their surroundings .The main aim of this research is to develop a space where people can go and relax themselves and get themselves out of the stress zone and also to connect people to environment by creating green zones. It also consists of the ill-effects one suffers from due to stress. Bad stress causes serious health problems. This research is about getting green into the city. Due to the ever increasing concrete jungle, people have forgotten the importance and merits of green environment, hence this research which will be on a de - stress zones. I also took inspiration from books, journal and internet exhibitions visiting new places. Both primary as well as secondary data is involved in the research work. I have also done the sketches of different buildings and bridges on the basis of various data collected from the secondary source.

De Stress Zone

Research objective

 I desire to conceive a connection which connects the top grades and the smaller grades of the structures and in some situations connecting two structures with these kinds of bridges. In situations of high rise buildings designing a connection on any convenient floor  which will act as a connecting tissue between the levels underneath the connection and overhead the connection and in case of structures with less than 5 - 7 storey, we could attach two such structures with these types of bridges which would prove more feasible and economical.

I desire to conceive an locality of a town with residential structures that proceed as the connecting tissue, connecting ground grades to top grades of the structures and furthermore the space between them. A focal point of the task is to conceive a prospect for the cities "Greening" I want to conceive a bridge which connects the upper levels and the lower levels of the buildings and in some cases connecting two structures with these kinds of bridges. In situations of high increase structures conceiving a bridge on any convenient floor which will proceed as a connecting tissue between the levels below the connection and overhead the connection and in case of buildings with less than 5 - 7 storey, we could connect two such structures with these kinds of bridges which would verify more feasible and economical.

This connection will proceed as a flower bed or park as if environment has arrive back to the town, where persons are far away from the polluted air. This flower bed would become an locality for young children to play and relish themselves.


Research question:

Does conceiving a DE-STRESS ZONE inside a town assists persons from getting away tension at a much quicker rate and furthermore assist them resting from the tension initiated due to the everyday activities?


Significance of the study:

The major concept of the 'DE STRESS ZONE' ...