David Berkowitz- Son Of Sam

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David Berkowitz- Son of Sam

David Berkowitz- Son of Sam


David was born on June 1, 1953, was an unwanted child of Betty Broder, who left him, and was adopted by Nat and Pearl Berkowitz. He was a shy child with low self esteem and trying to project a self-appearance, lying and causing problems. His behavior alternated moments of extreme shyness, inferiority complex and severe depression with outbursts of anger and excessive violence.

David Berkowitz, who sadly became known as the Son of Sam, she first performed the morning of July 29, 1976. He was one of many brutal attacks that terrorized the citizens of New York over a year. During the summer of 1977, when the murderer's terrible reputation was at its peak and people were in a panic for fear of being the next victim, bars and clubs were deserted. It seemed that the efforts of the NYPD and special operations teams were not sufficient to bring to justice the serial murderer who indiscriminately shot his victims with a 11 mm caliber gun. Currently, Berkowitz, formerly known as the Son of Sam and now a devout Christian, is in jail and is unlikely to again be free (Rowlett, 2006).

Berkowitz was raised by adoptive parents, a middle class family. His biological mother, Betty Broder, grew up in Brooklyn, was a poor single mother trying to cope Jewish to educate a young daughter. He later had a relationship with Joseph Kleinman and became pregnant. A Kleinman not liked the idea of ??having another child, so when David was born on June 1, 1953, Betty gave him up for adoption (Abrahamsen, 1985).

David was adopted by Nathan and Pearl Berkowitz, who adored him. From his childhood there was nothing he would become suspect in a violent serial murderer. However, as usually happens with the profiles of these murderers, was a loner and kept isolated from their peers. Like many children and teenagers, felt unattractive, although neighbors remember him as a child “handsome,” tended to show an aggressive and often violent and intimidating other kids. His parents found it difficult to cope with their hyperactive behavior.


It has been said that the cancer death of her adoptive mother when still a teenager affected him deeply and perhaps made to begin to see life with resentment. Pearl Berkowitz died of cancer in 1967, just when the family would move to a new residential area. Instead of moving to new neighborhood together as a family, David and his father ended up sharing the apartment.

After the death of Pearl, worsened mental instability Berkowitz. Developed a persecution complex, as if the world conspires against him. At the time when his father remarried and moved to Florida, Berkowitz, 18, had become even lonelier and became increasingly isolated from society. His capacity for fantasy and delusion grew with their isolation (Lawrence, 1981).

In the summer of 1971 he enlisted in the army, where he excelled as a marksman. This ability would become a few years later in his tool to coldly murder on ...
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