David Berkowitz

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David Berkowitz


In this study we try to explore a serial murder case in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on crimes of the David Berkowitz and his crimes in relation with law and psychological implications. The research also presents brief information about the all the crimes of David Berkowitz and tries to gauge its effect on law.

David Berkowitz


American history is full of serial murders. This phenomenon of serial killing is getting broader and is considered and understood from variegated perspective now. In old days, the phenomenon of serial killing was not as much broadened and clearly understood as it is now. Gone are the days when because of lack of communication such event and information about serial killing was not shared between cities and state. As the technological advancement has given its benefits in almost all the field it also provided advantages to the field of crime and its handling. Updated and latest technology makes it easy to communicate information about serial murders and to share information about the serial killing to the public. This helps in catching the criminals and in making public aware of such crimes. Moreover, the advancement in the field of law enforcement makes it easier for the personnel of the law enforcement agencies to keep the record of such events and track the criminals. The aim and objective of this paper is also to talk about one of the serial killers David Berkowitz. The case of the David Berkowitz is discussed in this paper from the perspective of psychology and legal issues involved in that case.

Life Story

David Berkowitz was born on June 1, 1953. He was an unwanted child of Betty Broder, who left him. He was then adopted by Nat and Pearl Berkowitz. He was a shy child with low self esteem and trying to project a self-appearance, lying and causing problems. His personality from childhood was full of alternated moments of extreme shyness, inferiority complex and severe depression with outbursts of anger and excessive violence.

Her adoptive mother died in 1967 when he was 14 years old. This was the worst thing that could happen to him. He was of the opinion that he does not have any luck with women. This opinion of him was feeding hatred against women within him. Besides the memory of his real mother and what David's mother did to him confirmed this hatred. Berkowitz's mind could not assimilate so much solitude and in his teens he began to possess split personality. With full of hatred he found himself so unfit in the society. He bought a gun and when he was twenty years old he started series of crime. The murders that he committed were terrorized in New York between 1976 and 1977. David Berkowitz killed six people and wounded seven people.

Thorough Description of the Criminal's Background

The young Berkowitz murdered without any reason. He fired his 44 caliber revolver indiscriminately to anyone who crossed his path, regardless of race, sex or ...
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