Dating Violence Among Teens

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Dating Violence among Teens


This paper contains the detailed analysis of dating violence among teenagers in their relationships. The United States of America has been facing severe conditions in this regard. This paper analyses the types of behaviors of people towards their relationships and social lives. The paper also discusses the spiritual guidance mentioned in the Bible for the improvement of people attitude towards their relationships.





A.The Behaviours of Dating Violence1

B.Theory of Personality Depicting Behaviors2

C.Victims of Dating Violence3

D.Identify Warning Signs4

E.Prevention of Dating Violence4

F.Spiritual Guidance for Dating Violence5

III. Research Experiment6




D.Discussion and Analysis7

1.Questionnaire for Children7

1.Questionnaire for Teens8

2.Questionnaire for Adults12


IV.Personal Opinion14


Appendix A18

Appendix B22

Appendix C29

Dating Violence among Teens


This paper examines the extent of dating violence among teens in the United States of America. Dating violence among teens is not a desirable act in a society, but it is happening all around in the societies of America. Almost all the people are under the influence of this violence situation. People tend to behave violently based on their attitudes and perceptions. The learning processes also get disturbed as stressed conditions are enhanced.

Violence among teens initiates from young children to the teens and then to the adults. The problem of dating violence has been becoming severe in America. Almost one in three Americans has been facing the violence of dating. This violence is abusive in nature as people use power to threaten their partners. Verbal, sexual, emotional and staling abuses are the ways used for this purpose. The violence creates depressed situations for the victims, mainly children as they are found doing poorly in school. Moreover, people also get indulged in using drugs and attempt suicide (Anonymous, n.d).

“The extent of dating violence among teens in their relationships with their partners causes depression among them, affecting their learning at school”.


The Behaviours of Dating Violence

The behaviors of data violence are envisioned as the personality traits and the attitudes of people. These behaviors include cultural aspects as major part affecting the violence among teens.

Theory of Personality Depicting Behaviors

Newsom has defined dating violence as the threat or perception about a violence act by one of the partners. The context of violence remains under the impacts of dating courtship. The impacts of dating have been observed among the same sex couples, but mostly heterosexual couples are involved (2007).

The most important thing is that this violence is totally different from the adult domestic violence. Teens tend to behave differently in such conditions. When a teenager is abused by his or her partner, he or she responds in isolation from his or her peers. These conditions affect the behaviors of the partners in terms of increased sexual risk, weight control, substance abuse, pregnancy, and suicides attempts (Hickman & jaycox, 2004).

According to the researcher, these violence conditions disrupt the attitude and personality of teens as they start using drugs and engage in damaging diet behaviors which they have never been doing. Fr getting relief from their mental stress, these people start taking sleeping pills that affects their lives and they get addicted to such ...