Date Rape

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Date Rape

Date Rape


Many people today think that rape can only be done by any stranger or irrelevant person but the statistics show that almost 52 percent of victims of rape are being raped by their acquaintances, friends or known persons. Girls and women are most probably the victims of rape but recent cases of male victims are also reported. Most of the times, the friendships, relations and dates never lead to rape and sexual assault (Watkins, 2007). But unfortunately sometimes it happens. Whenever the sex in term of violence is occurred between two or more people who know each other is known as acquaintance rape and date rape.

Date rape, also known as acquaintance rape and hidden rape is now being reported as the common and real problem in this society. In the modern world where a large no. of crimes are reported and a huge no of reports are reported in the police stations. After 1970's, various mobilization and media efforts have been done to stop all sorts of crimes in the new era of this society. The research work of Mary Koss and her colleagues are primarily welcomed as the valuable work for awareness to a new level.


Tolerating a date is not consequently agree to have intercourse. It doesn't make a difference how favor the restaurant is, or how delightful the date you treat you, you are not committed to have intercourse when you head off on a date. Sexual orientation is not something claims to pay for supper and a motion picture. Both ladies and men need to comprehend that its acceptable to say no and mean it (Watkins, 2007). Settle alone, with no outside help decisions and stick with them. Never get talked into something you would prefer not to do.

By what means would you be able to ensure yourself from date assault? Firstly, be answerable for your activities. Don't go out separated from everyone else celebrating, drinking more than you can handle or require from a stranger a home. Never acknowledge an open beverage or leave your unattended for quite a while. Date assault medications could be disguised effectively and dropped into a beverage without the learning of the chump. Date assault has turned into a sultry catch issue in the media today. Numerous individuals cohort date assault utilizing pills roofies, ordinarily called date assault pills. Others accept that the issue is constrained to school facilities and youthful individuals who drink and gathering verging on excessively much. Keep control and run out with an aggregation of individuals as you well know. Never walk separated from everyone else around evening time, and stay away from any individual who appears debilitating or suspicious. Trust your natures, regardless of the possibility that you can't put your finger on what precisely makes you feel so.

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