Data Warehousing

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Discuss how an organization use of data warehousing can provide a competitive advantage

Discuss how an organization use of data warehousing can provide a competitive advantage


Using an ODBMS / OODBMS (object database management system, object-oriented data management system) for data storage brings powerful advantages to applications that use complex object models, have high concurrency requirements, and large data sets.

It is difficult, time consuming, expensive in development, and expensive at run time, to map the objects into a relational database and performance can suffer. Versant's object database solutions (ODBMS) are designed to handle the navigational access, seamless data distribution, and scalability often required by these applications:

* Versant Object Database ODBMS (Java, C++)

* FastObjects .NET ODBMS (.NET)

Data handling requirements are simple and suitable to rigid row and column structures an RDBMS might be an appropriate solutiuon. However,for many applications, today's most challenging aspect is controlling the inherent complexity of the subject matter itself - the complexity must be tamed. And tamed in a way that enables continual evolution of the application as the environment and needs change. For these applications, an ODBMS is the best answer:

Complex (Inter-) Relationships

If there are a lot of many-to-many relationships, tree structures or network (graph) structures then Versant's ODBMS solutions will handle those relationships much faster than a relational database.

Complex Data

For many applications, the most challenging aspect is controlling the inherent complexity of the subject matter itself - the complexity must be tamed. For these applications, a Versant ODBMS is the best answer. Architectures that mix technical needs such as persistence (and SQL) with the domain model are an invitation to disaster. Versant's ODBMS solutions let you develop using objects that need only contain the domain behaviour, freeing you from persistence concerns.

No Mapping Layer

It is difficult, time consuming, expensive in development, and expensive at run time, to map the objects into a relational database and performance can suffer. Versant's ODBMS solutions store objects as objects - yes, it's as easy as 1, 2, 3. Versant's object database solutions are designed to store many-to-many, tree and network relationships as named bi-directional associations without having the need for JOIN tables. Hence, Versant's object database solutions save programming time, and objects can be stored and retrieved faster. Modern O/R mapping tools may simplify many mapping problems, however they don't provide seamless data distribution or the performance of Versant's ODBMS solutions.

Fast and Easy Development, Ability to Cope with Continuous Evolution

The complexity of telecommunications infrastructure, transportation networks, simulations, financial instruments and other domains must be tamed. And tamed in a way that enables continual evolution of the application as the environment and needs change. Architectures that mix technical needs such as persistence (and SQL) with the domain model are an invitation to disaster. Versant's ODBMS solutions let you develop using objects that need only contain the domain behaviour, freeing you from persistence concerns.

Relational Database Management System

Edgar F. Codd at IBM invented the relational database in 1970. Referred to as RDBMS, the relational model extended two previous database systems, the hierarchical ...
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