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Data Collection, Description and Analysis

[Name of the institute]


Identification of Four Themes4

The Appearance of the Women4

The Women is Weak4

The Image of the Body of both genders4

The varying Health Inference5

Focus Group5

Theme Discussion5

Theme 1: The Appearance of the Women5

Theme 2: Women are Weak7

Theme 3: Body Image of both Genders8

Theme 4: The varying Health Inference9


Experience of conducting Focus Group11


Data Collection, Description and Data Analysis


Healthcare facilities are evaluated in comparison to the perceptions that individuals in the society possess. The sector, however, formulates the provisions on the basis of resources it has to cater the demand and bring improvement. Nowadays, the healthcare services have become one of the major points of interest. This has been geared up due to the aging of baby boomers in the society because it is implicating the significant rise in demand of healthcare services. This paper aims to bring the inside out of the customers in order to understand what they think and expect from the healthcare services. The focus group helps to establish an informal discussion forum in a formal way. This paper is a reflection of the focus group of four participants with one moderator. The job of the moderator concentrated on keeping the issue in the talk and not letting the group get off the track.

There are four themes taken under discussion to understand what aspects can accelerate or hinder the effectiveness of healthcare services. According to the study by Saltonstall (1993), there are few main issues that if elaborated can render better understanding of the healthcare implications with respect to the role of women. The author has highlighted the role of the women in the provision of services. Their in indeed integral but implies several challenges to this certain gender (Ramsay et al., 2002). Their presence brings immense vibration to the entire system. Despite of their large role and participation, they are the victim of inequalities. Their physical existence has substantial amount of relevance to the healthcare services. Care is normally considered to be women's trait in most of the circumstances (Rayburn, 2011, pp. 48). Florence Nightingale is certainly the most prominent figure in the history. In order to improve the healthcare services one has to understand the expectations that users relate with the system (World Health Organization, 2010, pp. 82-88).

Identification of Four Themes

The Appearance of the Women

This theme aims to amplify the appearance of the women within the healthcare system. It matters about her invisibility at work. Normally the women are not taken seriously that makes the entire system questionable. According to Crook (1995, pp.112-120), her role is quite wide yet the acknowledgement is so little. The situation has been improved with time yet a lot is still left unaddressed. Her life expectancy rate is higher than men and her forbearance is greater as well. Their disease catching sensitivity is quiet less than the men. In short her appearance can be positively used to enhance the effectiveness of healthcare services (Plichta, 2007, pp.226-239).

The Women is Weak

The body of the women is ...
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