Data Collection

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Data Collection

[Name of the Institute]


Secondary Data Collection1

Case Studies1

Lintzford Garden Centre1

Coolings Garden Centre2

Camden Garden Centre2

Customers Buying Habits (found from the Case Studies)2

Changing Trends2

Consumer Purchases Process3

Concession/ Packages3


Customer Service3

Unusual Information4

Newspaper articles4

Findings from the Secondary Source4

Staff Training4

Staff Incentives5



Transfer of Skills6

Collection of Primary Data6


Sampling Methods7

Format of the Responses8

Primary Data Analysis8


Plan for Data Analysis9

Alternative Solutions and Recommendations10

Promotional Strategies10

Green World10

Arranging for Exhibition11

Spread of Information11

Compliments and Give-away11




Gardening is an interesting hobby but it turns into a mode of earning money. It becomes extraordinary challenging. Today, the businesses have to put in extra efforts to make their business run successfully. Recession has already fatigued the corporate world and several businesses could survive the tight economic limitations. In such an environment garden centres have to bear comparatively more challenges than other businesses. It takes large allocation of resources to provide the needed care to them. Garden centres really have to put in their best to grab attention of their customers (Farmer, 2013). The concept of garden centres is not new, it tends to provide with all the attractive elements to turn potential customers their regular customers. The ambience includes essentials like coffee tables, snacks and music. The people are able to sit in the middle of greenery and may like them to buy. There are now three types of customers; actual buyers, browser and other people come to meet friends and have snacks in the pleasant environment. In short, the motive of the report is expanding the interest of the customers in actual and turning potential buyers into real buyers (Odden, 2012, pp.1-100).

Secondary Data Collection

Case Studies

Lintzford Garden Centre

It is located in Newcastle and an impressive centre in the middle of conservation area. It has managed to flourish natural surroundings. The main idea was to enhance the existing landscape in the countryside. According this case study there have a few elements which a garden centres must take care of in order to maximize their profits.

Coolings Garden Centre

It belongs to independent group of Garden Centre and has their two centres in Knockholt and Sevenoaks. It is family business.

Camden Garden Centre

Camden Garden Centre was established in 1983 in the form of Social Enterprise aimed to give employment to disadvantaged groups. It primarily recruited the young people with difficulties. According to them the major element that can constitute the success of the garden centres is the transfer of skills.

Customers Buying Habits (found from the Case Studies)

Changing Trends

In the light of the above case studies, there are a few habits that have been noticed about understanding the buying habits of the shoppers. The research says that 93% of the people coming to the garden centres are interested in buying gardening related appliances and tools. There is another fact that says reveals that the disposable income of the consumers has been shrunk due to tight economy. The consumers are scrutinizing their needs and in such a scenario luxury items like gardening does not get place in the income pattern of the consumers. The centre really has to take a bigger leap to ...
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