Data Analysis- Advanced Directives

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Data Analysis- Advanced Directives

Data Analysis- Advanced Directives


In the present data analysis, we would discuss the data, variables, and outcomes of our study on “Advanced Directives”. By reviewing previous sections on introduction, literature review and methodology; we would examine the relevance of our collected data on our chosen sample.

In the present study, 100 patients were chosen from different healthcare organizations. We intended to study the “major barriers to people not having advanced directives”. In order to obtain valid results, we made sure that no gender biases were catered when choosing the participants. By eliminating such biases, we further increased the relevance and credibility of our study. In order to make our study reliable we reviewed a number of articles on Advanced Directives in our literature review and conducted a qualitative interview with our research participants. The interviews allowed us to gain firsthand knowledge on why patients get advanced directives while others do not. We also asked them about assistance from doctors in getting advanced directives.

How Data was Collected

In order to get relevant information on patient's personal information and past medical history; we made use of the MOLST (Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) research instrument. MOLST allowed us to obtain the required information on our chosen sample for research. The research instrument is commonly used in medical settings and allows doctors and researchers' to obtain required information on a patient's history. By administering MOLST on the chosen sample; we gained specific information about our chosen sample i.e. name, age, gender, past medical history, allergies and so forth. It allowed us to gain an insight on our chosen sample and to inquire them about advanced directives.

Intended Variables of the Study

We intended to gain information on the following variables from our interviews:

Barriers associated with decision making

Healthcare Proxy

Patient communication

Patient's Medical Decision Making Capacity

Physician's Determination


What methods were Used

The following method was used to collect data in our research:


A qualitative interview was conducted on our chosen sample. By interviewing our research participants; we were able to inquire them about the major issues in obtaining relevant documents on decisions related to end of life care before time. For the questions used in the interview (refer to the Appendix).

The qualitative interview comprised of five open-ended questions on their knowledge of advanced directives and the hurdles they face in obtaining such documents. The participants were given ample time to collect their thoughts and answer in a proper manner. Our open ended format allowed the participants to thoroughly understand the research purpose. By keeping the questions concrete, we were able to get the desired information.

Review of Articles on Advanced Directives

For the purpose of equipping ourselves with relevant knowledge on advanced directives; we reviewed seven articles on “Advanced Directives”. The review of literature on these articles allowed us to gain an insight on the viewpoints of other researchers on Advanced Directives. By reviewing their viewpoint, we were able to broaden our horizon on “the major hurdles in obtaining advanced directives”.

In our study on identifying ...