Data Analysis

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Data Analysis

Data Analysis


Secondary Data

The secondary data associated with the advertisement of EnergyPlus involves collecting information relating to the target demographic.

Secondary data which would be required is determining if there is a market for Natural Power's newest energy drink. Being marketed as a healthier option to other energy drink, EnergyPlus requires for the 16-25 demographic to be leaning towards a healthier lifestyle.

According to study by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in 2007, 65% of persons aged 15 and over had exercised for fitness within the past 2 weeks. This implies that Australia as a whole is becoming more health aware and therefore suggests that a market is most definitely available for a more health conscious energy drink.

EnergyPlus, being primarily marketed towards teenagers and young adults, is to be advertised primarily on television and print media. Therefore, any secondary date collected must relate to the 16-25 demographic.

If EnergyPlus is to be advertised on television then research needs to be undertaken to determine the most suitable channels and times for the advertisement to take place.

The Neilson Company, U.S. has shown through market research that television is the most used form of media in all age demographics.

According to 'Television Year in Review 2009' on, Australian television channels Seven, Nine and Ten are the most watched respectively. This suggests that it would be wise to use these channels as a primary source of advertisement.

It can be suggested from simply observing the content present on television during a set time that the most suitable time period for advertisement directed towards the 16-25 demographic would be during primetime television and possibly late afternoon.

Sporting magazines are an ideal method of advertisement for Natural Power's newest product. With the primary purpose of EnergyPlus being to give the buyer increased energy, an athlete is an ideal target for advertisement and thus sporting magazines make for a perfect advertisement location.

The Australia Bureau of Statistics states that soccer, basketball and aerobics/fitness are among the most popular sports in the 16-25 demographic are. The use of this information allows for an insight into which advertisements would be most effective and viewed by the most people.

Sampling Techniques & Variables

In the situation of The Natural Power Company a new product in the energy drinks market is what we think would stabilize the sales. This product is still an energy drink but a healthy one. This means that the customers target would automatically be one where those customers are interested and preoccupied by their well-being. In that optic the sampling frame would come from people who are using energy drinks for any purposes and the sample units would be each individual that are consumer of energy drinks. Then the choice of a sampling procedure is necessary. In our situation it would be a probability sampling and more specifically the simple random sampling. We will use this method simply because we want the opinion of every customers of energy drinks without any specific characteristics.

In term of the variable types, many of ...
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