The study is related to analysis of the data which guides towards different hypotheses as these hypothesis will help resolve in the answering the given research questions. In given below, the hypotheses of the study are mentioned;
Ho1: Patrons are keen to pay $18 for the entrees.
HA1: Patrons are not keen to pay $18 for the entrees.
Ho2: It is expected that patrons spends an average of $200 a month on food.
HA2: It is not anticipated that patrons spends an average of $200 a month on food.
Ho3: All post code areas provide the best location for the restaurant.
HA3: None of the post code areas provide the best location for the restaurant.
Ho4: There is relationship between expected average monthly spending of potential patrons and their incomes.
HA4: There is no relationship between expected average monthly spending of potential patrons and their incomes.
Ho5: The waterfront views and patrons who only drive less than 30 minutes to the restaurant are not correlated with each other.
HA5: The waterfront views and patrons who only drive less than 30 minutes to the restaurant are correlated with each other.
Ho6: The restaurant which had unusual desserts and unusual entrees is important to patrons.
HA6: The restaurant which had unusual desserts and unusual entrees is not important to patrons.
Ho7: All sections of the newspaper are appropriate for advertising.
HA7: None of the sections of the newspaper are appropriate for advertising.
Ho8: There is relationship of family size with waterfront view, drive less, formal waitstaff wearing tuxedos, unusual desserts, large variety of entrees, unusual entrees, simple décor, elegant décor, string quartet and jazz combo.
HA8: There is no relationship of family size with waterfront view, drive less, formal waitstaff wearing tuxedos, unusual desserts, large variety of entrees, unusual entrees, simple décor, elegant décor, string quartet and jazz combo.
Ho9: Family size differs between probable and non probable patrons.
HA9: Family size does not differ between probable and non probable patrons.
Ho10: There is a relationship between marital status and whether or not someone is a probable patron.
HA10: There is no relationship between marital status and whether or not someone is a probable patron.
Data Analysis and Discussion
Ho1: Patrons are willing to pay $18 for the entrees.
One-Sample Test
Test Value = 18
Sig. (2-tailed)
Mean Difference
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
What would you expect an average evening meal entree item alone to be priced?
From the above one sample t-test, it can be said that the significance value of the test is greater than 0.05 reflecting that the for the test value 18, the hypothesis is accepted. This shows that patrons are willing to pay $18 or more for the entrees.
Ho2: It is expected that patrons spends an average of $200 a month on food.
One-Sample Test
Test Value = 200
Sig. (2-tailed)
Mean Difference
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
How many total dollars do you spend per month in restaurants (for your meals only)?
It can be observed from the above table that for the test value 200, the testing is rejected as the ...