Dad's Role

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Dad's Role in a Child Life


In this study we try to explore the concept of “Dad's role in a child life” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Dad's role” and its relation with “child”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “dad's as a role and model” and tries to gauge its effect on “child”. Finally the research had done the comparison between a child with a positive role model and the child without that type of role model.

Dad's Role in a Child Life

Thesis Statement

Every child considers his father as his role model whatever the father does, inspires the child immensely.


Dad plays a prominent role in the life of a child. Dad has a great impact on their child, as the child grows in between their parents they feel secure, they imagine them as the role model in their life. It is clear that dads play an immense role in their child's life. But, these gestures are primarily emotional nourishment for the baby and the mother the same: to breastfeed a child is a gesture that goes beyond the simple satisfaction of biological needs food because it implies a transfer of relational elements such as physical contact, the hug, body heat, creating an intimacy reassuring source of psychological growth and emotional as well as physical (Allen, 2002)

"Dads were for us the embodiment of God. If our dads betrayed us, what does that say about God?..." and hereafter, and these timeless statement of Pitt and Norton in an interview about the "generation of grown women," ... The protagonist of all time lived as told by his father, guided by his authority, and suddenly it turned out that he will not need, that he had forgotten his father, and his place in society, it does not like, etc.."

Role of a dad in the life of a child is irreplaceable and absolutely crucial in determining the strong development of the baby. Half of the genes come from the maternal side and the other half come from the paternal side. Therefore, it makes sense that the existence of both mother and father is necessary for the well-being of the baby. Despite the recent trend of single parenting, in an ideal situation, a child needs both a mother and a father (Day, 2003).


Initially, in childhood, this trust is a simple and unsophisticated, and is expressed primarily in the fact that a child there is an urgent need to tell her father about the events that occurred in his life, for example, today. These events are in the opinion of an adult may be quite commonplace. But no matter how ordinary, not worth the attention they may seem, in any case cannot ignore them, demonstrating indifference. Dismissing without hearing her son alone, other times at the moment when the son wants dialogue, want to be heard, my father will kill the child that need - and the next time the boy did not come to his father to tell ...
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