Cyber Security

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Cyber Security

Cyber Security

Question 1: Potential Threats Due to the Use of Information Technology

Cybercrime is criminal activity, using computers and the Internet to steal, whether directly or indirectly, from consumers or businesses. The global scale of the cyber crime problem is not known, although, by most estimates, it is running at several billion dollars (USD) per year. This paper focuses solely on ensuring that cybercrime is contained. Even within cybercrime, there are different subcategories, such as direct theft of money from a bank or credit card accounts, identity theft, as well as theft of intellectual property where the financial costs are indirect (potential loss of sales revenue). Another key challenge is to ensure cost-effectiveness in the functioning of the cyber crime lab. This is a serious challenge, since the development of investigative skills and the assurance of optimal expenses in the functioning of the cyber crime lab are two tasks, which are significantly of varying nature (Goldberg, 2000).

It is possible to build the agencies investigative skills through the low cost project by engaging in assignments and tasks that are complicated and challenging in nature. Undoubtedly, this will be a daunting task, and it will require extensive effort on the part of the personnel working at the cyber crime lab. However, such an approach will help to ensure that costs stay at a minimum, and the personnel learn as much as possible through each task, and assignment. Furthermore, this approach will also help the team to prepare for future challenges. Needless to highlight, a cyber crime lab comes up with something new in every challenge it encounters. As a result, the essential characteristics that need to be developed in the cyber crime lab are investigative skills that can only come from on-the-job experience (Drucker, 1992). This paper discusses the potential threats that pose due to the use of information technology and the ways through which the laws can be extended in order to protect against the threats without stifling technical innovation and activities associated to the business.

As organizations are becoming more dependent on information technology, the emphasis on information security is getting more significant. Threats to information security have several dimensions including internal vis external, human vis non human, and accidental vs. intentional. While initially information security is seen as a technology problem that can be addressed via sophisticated hardware and software solutions, increasing number of security breaches proved that this is indeed mostly a people problem (Durkheim, 1938). Correcting incorrect information about the financial or personal status, and trying to restore the proper names and reputations are daunting tasks for the victims of identity theft and fraud. The damages done by the criminals take far longer to undo than it took the criminal to commit crimes. Victims can suffer a lot once their identity is stolen and abused. The hard-earned money of the person is lost for no reason at all. Apart from the financial aspect, peace of mind is stolen along with the identity, as the victims have to ...
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