Cyber Bullying In Schools, Its Impact On Teenagers And Different Techniques To Intervene Cyber Bullying

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Cyber bullying in schools, its impact on teenagers and different techniques to intervene cyber bullying


Cyber bullying in schools, its impact on teenagers and different techniques to intervene cyber bullying

Project Details

Bullying is serious and problem that is effecting lot of teenagers globally. Everyday a lot of students faces the issue of bullying in the form of taunts and humiliation. Bullying has got a lot of physical and psychological impacts over the students. Children who are victim of bullying face different mental and physical problems which effect their development a lot. Children who face cyber bullying are normally anxious, insecure and face the problem of low esteem. They lose their confidence and avoid defending themselves from other children bullying them. Most of the children become the victim of cyber bullying during their school periods. This makes them to lose their social skills and makes them isolated in their society due to lack of confidence. They also loose friends and avoid making new friends (Smith,, 2008). The major characteristics of the victim are that they are physically and mentally weaker. This research will focus over the impacts of cyber bullying over the students. Cyber bullying is the use of technology to disturb, harass and embarrass someone. These days the use of technology is being increased day by day and almost every child have got a mobile and a facebook account. It becomes very easy for the people who bully someone by using this technology. This bullying can take place 24 hours a day without any stop. When a child is bullied at school than he or she can get rid of this by escaping the school. However this becomes very difficult for the child to escape from bullying in case of cyber technology. By using cyber bullying the people doing such activities can hide their identity (Samara,, 2008).

The previous researchers show that many students committed suicide due to their low esteem and to get rid of the cyber bullying. ABC News in 2006 reported that a 14 years old male student took his life due to bullying in the form of taunting and throwing away his lunch during the break time, this made him embarrassed and he locked himself in the bathroom and shot himself in the head (Mishna, 2010). News reported by The Dallas Morning shows that a 15 year old guy hanged himself and committed suicide after his classmates teased him on his face scars due to an accident the guy faced in the childhood. Many of such news are reported these days that shows that how seriously bullying is affecting the teenagers and the students these days. This research also includes the various steps taken by the school and teachers to prevent the cyber bulling. Intervention program for the reduction and the prevention of the cyber bullying involves number of methods and techniques that addresses the students, teachers and sometimes the entire school. There are various programs that are developed by one country and after their success those ...