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Cerebral Vascular Accident - CVA

Cerebral Vascular Accident - CVA


Mr. Bonnici is 68 years of age and was accepted to the elderly care facility two days ago. Mr. Bonnici talks little English. He denies to take his medications and is expending many of time lying on his bed. When advanced by a employees constituent he talks quickly and loudly. Mr. Bonnici has a reddened locality at the groundwork of his spine and his right elbow. He is overweight, has gentle right aligned flaw from a stroke (Cerebral Vascular Accident - CVA) activates individually with a border and has a annals of critical right aligned shoulder pain. He has had no bowel activities since going into the facility.

Case Analysis

In this paper I will be discussing Mr. Bonnici who is 68 years of age became incapacitated by a left sided cerebrovascular accident (CVA) following a motor vehicle accident. To keep his identity completely confidential, I will be referring to his as Mr. Bonnici. I will not refer to any medical staff or buildings by name for this same reason. Mr. Bonnici had two seizures while in hospital recovering from the motor vehicle accident (MVA). Mr. Bonnici's recovery was progressing normally but was compromised by a CVA following the seizures which left Mr. Bonnici with a permanent disability. Mr. Bonnici can not walk at all. He can stand with assistance for clothing adjustments. Mr. Bonnici can not talk properly, he responds with "yes", "no" or "oh no". Mr. Bonnici is cognitively disabled, although slightly, it can be difficult to tell when Mr. Bonnici is answering the questions or just responding to being spoken to.

Prior to the MVA and CVA, Mr. Bonnici had some health problems that include a long history of hypertension, asthma, an aortic valve replacement, diagnosed major depression, anxiety and epilepsy. The cerebrovascular accident has left Mr. Bonnici unable to perform any activities of daily living so has been forced to reside in a nursing home. Mr. Bonnici is surrounded by elderly patients primarily affected by dementia, leaving his susceptible to other possible problems such as depressive episodes, (although he is on medication for depression), boredom, or possible withdrawal just to name a few (Newcombe, 2005).

This paper will discuss how the nursing staff uses the nursing process to encourage Mr. Bonnici to be involved in activities and his surroundings and how they try to cater for a much younger patient living in the nursing home (Seaback, 2001). I will address areas such as medical and pharmacological management, mobility, and some of the other needs that Mr. Bonnici finds are now compromised, for example, spiritual, sexual, social, and cultural and the difficulties in general family contact.

Epidemiology & Aetiology

Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States (McCance & Heuther, 2002), and in Australia (National Stroke Foundation, 2004), after heart disease and cancer, and is the most common cause of Neurologic disability (Springhouse, 2006). The majority of stroke victims are over 65 years of ...
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