Customer Service

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Customer Service

Task 1: Customer Service Policy1

Reasons for Using these Customer Service Policies2

Customer Service Policies Assist in Training & Development3

Task 1 References5

Task 3: Individual Report Writing6

Investigation of Customer Requirements and Satisfaction6

Assessing Sources of Information on Customer Requirements6

Hilton Customers Requirements & Satisfaction Level7

Task 3 References8

Task 4: Delivering Good Customer Service9

Task 4 References12



Customer Service

Task 1: Customer Service Policy

Customers are the highest priority for organisations, since they are the ones who provide business. Corporations view customers as important and create perspectives focusing on them. Such perspectives entail attention, actions, and approach of a company that is committed to deliver the best quality in its products and services, as well as after-sales support. In order to implement such behaviours, organisations normally prefer developing customer service policies that are aligned with the business's mission, vision, goals, objectives and activities. Therefore, a business cannot move forward successfully without constructing a workable customer service policy.

Customer service policies that are made while bearing in mind the needs of the customers and its delivery channels tend to become the most thriving ones. If companies do not comprehensively identify, realize and understand the very specific needs of their customers, they would not be able to create and implement a solid customer service policy (Harris 2002, p.164). Moreover, the corporate decision making also improves as a result of becoming acquainted with the needs, wants and desires of customers. Therefore, the creation and maintenance of suitable customer service policies is fundamental to the successful delivery of quality service and achievement of customer satisfaction.

Reasons for Using these Customer Service Policies

Customer service policies are highly important for businesses as they provide many benefits and provide support to the management in various forms. Some of the main reasons for using customer service policies are mentioned as follows.


Customer service policies assist companies in the establishment of a vision and also in the creation of the path that leads to that vision. Almost every organisation makes efforts to retain its customers and also to cater to its potential customers in order to expand its business. The creation of customer service policies not only acts as a road-map direction towards this goal, but also establishes a culture of service by integrating the top-management's work expectations with the services offered by the employees.


Since employees and managers deal with customers daily, the formation of such customer service policies assists them in providing answers to the queries of their customers. The guidelines established by the business are also impacted by the creation of customer service policies. When a company's customer service policy is outlined and defined properly and clearly, it enables the employees to perform their related duties as per organisational policy. Such routine customer service activities such as executing their orders, resolving customers' complaints and providing discounts, etc. are examples of such duties that are guided by the stated customer service policy. The policy also defines the standards of quality service for the employees.


A customer service policy of an organization is an effective tool for giving guidance to workers on ...
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