Customer Service

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Customer Service Assignment

Customer Service Assigment


Customers are really everything. They are the end user of all the offered products and services in the organisation. This assignment is the manifestation of customer service management in a selected retail organisation. Identification of strategies, understanding the role of organization and auditing the measures to evaluate the customer satisfaction are the greater purpose for the subject matter. The maintenance and retention of stakeholders' relationship is one of the prime responsibilities of an organisation. This paper reflects these concerns with the proposed recommendations with the implementation of effective methods and tools for customer relationship building (Reinhold & Alt, 2012, pp. 155). Some of the Ten Commandments are used metaphorically for the exceptional customer services through the audit of internal and external stakeholder relationships. Involvement, interest, commitment and loyalty are four key components for deploying effective customer service strategies. It was made best possible to highlight all the learning outcomes in this paper for greater understanding.


Brief Profile of Selected Organization

The synergies, efficiencies and practices of global processes of multinational companies are increasing with developing trends. Cadbury is one of the global giants in the United Kingdom. Product innovation, consumerism and retail marketing are good news for customers in the remainder of the year. Cadbury has a strong brand positioning in the minds of consumers (Jakubanecs & Supphellen, 2010, pp. 286). The testament for this literature is the Dairy Milk bar of Cadbury. It will gauge us to understand the product positioning. Our mind can easily register the brand when we think chocolate (Sinha, 2012). Cadbury acclaimed its customers as brand enthusiasts. This developing trend has encouraged the growth in the chocolate industry. Increasing disposable income and changing tastes has regenerated this industry in high demands in the recession period. Roses, Twix, Mars, Snickers, After Eight, Twix, and Nestle are competing forces of Cadbury in the confectionery industry. The history of Cadbury dates back to 1824 when John Cadbury started a grocer's shop at Bull Street, Birmingham. He operated his store with drinking chocolate and cocoa with pestle and mortar (Levine, 2011, pp. 123). These 200 years of fascinating history have subjects of advertising, events, philanthropy and diverse range of products. Cadbury Cocoa Essence was first of its kind unadulterated cocoa in the UK which was also a turning point as a new processing technique (Bradley, 2011). It is necessary to compose a surviving strategy to continually grow in a highly intense competition. Engaging customers and building brand loyalty are two cornerstone retail marketing orientations for this company. William Cadbury has launched and commissioned first logo in the Paris. It has changed its brand corporate colours from red scripted pale mauve to purple and gold in 1920. The corporate strength of Cadbury was active and high in numbers during Second World War. It was the question of rationing and short supply of raw materials. Cocoa farms in India, Indonesia, Ghana, and Caribbean got partnership with Cadbury as Cadbury Cocoa Partnership in January ...
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