Customer Service

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Customer service


Customers services for a company and the customer are always been important, and in today's world when customers have freedom of choice and have a wide range of options customer service has gained more importance. In today's age, customers have global access to various options via online stores and have greater comparability than previous decades when customers used to buy from local markets. In addition, service is not only a factor that affects the buying decision, but it can be regarded as a decisive factor for the customer to think about this (Hayes & Dredge, 1998).

In numerous surveys, it is found that customer ranks service at a higher priority than the product itself (Hayes & Dredge, 1998).


In class discussion and personal experience, I have to discuss on the tactics defined in the article related to customer service. Before going into a discussion of tactics, discussion of facts revealed is more important. Here, it has been discussed that going beyond the customer need increases the customer loyalty slightly in cases such as refund and free offering etc. which was traditionally understood. According to my personal experience, it is true to some extent. When a person goes for eating restaurant, and finds anything wrong with the meal. However, manager offer an extra meal will not work as it already spoiled the need of the customer. However, in some cases this approach works, free items when customer takes defective product such as electronic product would result in more loyalty as it increases the satisfaction of the customer. Therefore, in my opinion going beyond expectation works for some cases depending on the situation and nature of business.

The first approach defined as customer service should have a proactive approach rather than solving just current problem of the customer. In the article, this approach ...
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