Customer Satisfaction

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Customer Satisfaction In Printer Industry

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction4

Industry Background5

Current Situation6

Research Interest6

Research Objective7

Research Constraints7

Chapter 2: Literature Review10

Customer Satisfaction10

Customer Loyalty10

Sales Promotion11

Product Attribute13

Chapter 3: Methodology31

Research Methodology31

Chapter 4: Analysis35

Data Analysis35

Real-Time Data Capture36

Increased Visibility37

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendation43




Chapter 1: Introduction

Originally developed to produce large volumes of printed documentation, markup languages are now used to author a variety of different media, the best-known of which are Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) Web pages. Markup languages are a method of structuring a text or multimedia file (a process called “marking up” or “tagging”) without defining how that structure will ultimately be formatted.

Word processors such as Microsoft Word are based on the principle of “what you see is what you get” (WYSIWYG): What the author creates is essentially what the reader sees. Unlike an unformatted ASCII text file, a document produced in Word can be instantly and attractively formatted with different fonts and effects. Word processors achieve this by embedding control characters (strings of normally invisible characters that control formatting effects) in and around the main text. WYSIWYG word processing became possible only in the 1980s, with the invention of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and high-resolution, bitmapped computer screens that could display a range of different fonts. Before then, word processing meant text editing—text was simply typed into and moved around in ASCII files before being printed out, often on a crude dot-matrix printer. That was fine for utility bills and simple letters, but not for more sophisticated documents that needed a range of different formatting effects.

Industry Background

Markup language offers a way of embedding structural codes called tags into a basic ASCII text file. To mark the start of a paragraph, one might use

. To make text into a main heading, one might put

(meaning start a heading 1) in front of it and

(end heading 1) after it. The crucial difference between a word processor and a markup language is that, while the former involves specifying exactly how different bits of text will appear, and not what they are, the latter involves using tags to specify exactly what elements of text are, and not how they will appear.

This difference is clearly illustrated by HTML Web pages, whose various elements are identified with tags such as
    for a bulleted (unordered) list,

    for paragraphs, and so on. Using basic HTML, it is impossible to control exactly how a Web page will ultimately appear, because that depends on how the user's Web browser is configured to process the tags. While on one browser,

    might produce a large, bold Times font, on another it might produce a medium-sized, italic Courier font. The HTML conveys no formatting information of this kind.

    Current Situation

    To someone accustomed to Microsoft Word, markup initially seems confusing and perverse. What is the logic in using a text-processing system that does not allow its authors to control the ultimate appearance of their documents? Isn't markup an extraordinary waste of time? Why type hundreds of extra control characters when one can simply ...

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