Customer Relationship Management

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Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management

Question 2

Internet is considered more as a “disruptive Technology” rather than “revolutionary Technology because nowadays many business are using internet as a source of their business and but it is also considered as revolutionary because it is the new way enabling people to expand their business.

For example, an author can publish their works and sell them with little overhead. They can sell on their website or on eBay (Tsou, M. H. 2004) Here are some advantages and disadvantages of Internet publishing.

Advantages: 1. No fee / low startup costs 2. Economic Marketing a. Writing articles in newsgroups and online magazines b. Examination of books on, and other areas (using the name and website profile)

c. Open a Google Ad Words account

2. The web pages are inexpensive 3. Open eBay account and other stores selling your book 4. No need to buy or rent a property 5. Build reputation and customers through blogs, recommendations and free newsletters

Disruptive technology which means Breakthrough technology provides a great opportunity to earn a little start-up capital costs. Some people are successful, who sell books, online practices or background lines, clever way to earn income. As computer technology improves, we will see new types of cases appear. In the future, more people have income-generating products and intangible services sales. (Inmon, W. H., & Kelley, C.1993)

Question 4

Network Topologies

A network topology is the structure of equipment, cables and other components in a network.

There are five basic topologies:

1. - Bus. The computers are connected to a common shared cable.

2. - Star. The computers are connected to cable segments that extend from a central location or hub.

3. - Ring. The computers are connected to a cable that forms a loop around a central location.

4. - Mesh. The computers on the network are connected by a cable.

5. - Hybrid. Two or more topologies used together. (Federal Geographic Data Committee 2002)

Bus Topology In a bus topology, all computers on a network are attached to a continuous cable or segment, which connects in a straight line.

Important: The two ends of the cable must have terminators. All network adapters receive data packet. Because of the way of transmission of electrical signals through this cable, the ends must be terminated by device hardware called terminators, which act as signal limits and define the segment.

Star Topology

In a star topology, the cable segments of each computer on the network are connected to a centralized component, or hub. A hub is a device that connects multiple computers together.

Ring Topology

In a ring topology, the computers are connected to a circular cable. Unlike the topology of the bus, no termination ends. The signals travel around the loop in one direction and pass through each computer, which acts as repeater to amplify the signal and send it to the next team.

Mesh Topology

In a topology mesh, each computer is connected to each of the other teams by a different ...
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