Customer Relationship Management

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Customer relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management


The word Customer relation management is an old concept to human civilization. The word customer is related to the concept of buying and selling and customer relation is related to the interaction between the sellers and buyers over a certain period of time (Griffin, 2002, p.31). but it should be kept in mind that there is a difference between the buyer and the actual customer. A customer has a record of repeated purchases of services and goods, where as a buyer is a person that does not perform repeated purchasing of goods and services. This definition reveals that a buyer becomes a regular customer with the passage of time. The same is the process of customer relationship, which becomes stronger with the intensity of interaction between buyer and seller. The business is all about making loyal customer which can boost the sales of the company and make repeated purchases.Hence, the business is all about making loyal customers and the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is the only tool that can act as an intermediate manager with the responsibility to ensure that the buyer had turned into customer, and it is also liable to sustain the loyalty of the customer towards the business (Anderson, & Kerr, 2001, p.1).

The rapid advances in technologies have allowed companies to understand their customer's needs and wants in a better way. They can keep track of their purchases and their buying behavior information is used to serve them better.. Experts believe that Tesco is the “CRM Champion” on the horizon. So without much ado, let's explore the incredible approach of CRM implementation, in order to augment the customer loyalty, by the world's renowned retailer, the Tesco.


Customer Relationship Management

The concept of providing CRm solution is not just to install the CRM software, but to change the company as a whole, which requires the execution of a behavior change project. Competitive behavior and structural changes are the basic demands of implementing a CRM strategy.. The client can be termed as an "entity" that is involved with a company through regular and periodic procurement of goods and/or services it provides. In this way the organization is interested in the income you can generate from customer interaction, and the client is interested in the services and care they receive from the company. He relation between the organization and its customers highly depend on the customer loyality, which results in repeated transactions by the customers . From this point of view, a relationship is built and sustained long term, and the organization's goal is "loyalty" to its customers and the customers get the greatest possible benefits and services from the organization. The relationship between the organization and customers exists when:

A customer buys a product or service of the organization.

An employee or agent of the organization magnages the customer relationship.

CRM can be obtained by developing certain projects, such as:

Meet customer expectations and value model: knowing what you value the service, what is important ...
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