Customer Loyalty Card

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Customer Loyalty Card

Customer Loyalty Card

Loyalty card are termed to be a marketing strategy in any business, especially in retail. Though it is being used by many of the other industries as well, more specifically these cards are more similar to as debit or credit cards. The cards posses a bar code which have all the information about the loyalty program member, once the person becomes the member of the loyalty program (Peterson, 2004, pp. 371-386). It is a tactic in the customer relationship management more often known as CRM (Peterson, 2004, pp. 371-386). This is one of the strategies of CRM, with the help of a relevant CRM solution, the card works, where people can purchase or redeem their rewards over the specific purchases. Loyalty cards are a system of the loyalty business model. People gave it very different names, like in some countries people called these cards as rewards cards, some call it's as loyalty cards, and other also call them discount cards. In United States people called these cards as club cards (Sharp, 1997, pp. 473-86).

Loyalty Cards are the most common type of plastic cards. Depending on the type of loyalty programs, as well as the mechanics of obtaining and accumulating rewards program participants, the cards can be discounted, bonus, club, etc (Peterson, 2004, pp. 371-386). The main purpose of the loyalty card is to retain a customer, through different tactics offering them a discount, or rewards or sometimes gaining point over the purchase from loyalty cards, and later on redeem the points through some gifts or vouchers over those points (Gilder, 2005, pp.143-152). The main roles of maps in the loyalty program are customer identification when they are making a purchase (Peterson, 2004, pp. 371-386). The unique card number identifies the customer with every purchase. ...
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