Customer Focus For Strategic Advantage

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Customer Focus for Strategic Advantage

Customer Focus for Strategic Advantage


This discussion paper discusses all the key issues, the listing of the key questions and the decisions that needs to be faced by both the organizations before the final agreement is being made. A meeting has been made where these decisions are being made on official basis between the key customer service strategy personnel from Zeta Air and Check-u-In.

Zeta air made their decision to create a partnership with a company of ground handling agent, Check-u-in, because Zeta air needed to increase their customer service at every airport that is under them. Enhancing the level of service is one of the tasks that Zeta air needs to focus more, so the need for a professional organization that deals only with the ground handling agents is being partnered so that Zeta air can focus over the other tasks and duties more effectively and efficiently. This partnership was made to improve the customer perception of the quality of customer service and the way their agents treat them during the delay or changes in the travelling arrangements. The most important job over this situation is the communication of the handling agents who are communicating with the customers, so Zeta air decided to review the status of their routes, airports and the ground handling agents (CAA, 2013, pp. 93-120).


Customer Service Aims

The meeting will consist of all the basic and necessary customer service aims and values because the reason for the partnership is to boost the ground handling agents' tasks and duties. The partnership agreement will agree over the key aspects of quality of the customer service aims and values (CAA, 2013, pp. 93-120).

Zeta air needs to make clear its customer service aims by satisfying them in every situation. There are customers who are travelling on longer routes and in short routes too, so the customers require a comfortable and a quicker way to check out from the airport. This requires the ground handling agents to be more flexible at the baggage handling and the immigration department. The customers require a faster process of all the required processes of immigration so that they check out as early as possible.

The baggage belt takes a lot of time to locate and search the right baggage in time. The agents working in that area must be efficient enough to help the customers to find their right baggage as soon as possible. The partnership with Check-u-in must show a positive change in facilitating people immigration to the Zeta air airport. Or else the purpose of the meeting will not be favourable to set up a partnership with such an organization which is not able to provide services on time (CAA, 2013, pp. 93-120).

Another aim that can be concluded for the airline customer services is the customers travelling experience. In this situation Zeta air wants to create a customer service image in its customer's perception for the quality of the service provided to ...