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Customer Focus for Strategic Advantage

Customer Focus for Strategic Advantage


Customer focus plays a fundamental and effective role in any business industry. Like other industries, the industry of airlines also need to focus on the demands and needs of their customers. Customer focus is the key constituent which helps in providing progress and success to every industry. The airline industry is currently experiencing progress and growth which is introducing new challenges and new opportunities for air and States transport organizations. Internationally, total number of passengers is growing due to the increment in demand (IBM, 2008, Pp.1-3). Nearly, 46 percent increment has been observed in the amount of annual passengers in the past decade. Moreover, the number of passengers has been raised from 1.457 billion to 2.128 billion within a year. Identical rate of increment has been proved according to the figure of Freight tonne-kilometre. The aviation industry is collectively managing this ever increasing growth in an effective way. The aviation industry is playing an inevitable role in managing this growth consistently and uniformly in all regions and countries. This management is enhancing and providing security, safety, efficiency and sustainability of the universal air transport system for upcoming future. Thus, airline industry's main focus has been moved towards the ever growing needs and demands of their customers (IBM, 2008, Pp.1-3).

Zeta Air is European airline which is based in the United Kingdom. The Zeta Air is struggling and making consistent efforts in seeking for effective and efficient arrangement for ground handling and check-in facilities at each airport that they use. The Zeta Air is consistently making efforts to focus and value the customer needs and their services. Moreover, Zeta Air has determined to develop a service partnership with ground handling agent's company (British Airways, 2009, p.4).


Zeta Air like other airline industries is struggling to make their services efficient and adequate for their customers. The Zeta Air is focusing on the strategy of customer services and making its best possible efforts in making their airline company as a customer centric airline. In order to define customer service values and customer service aims, Zeta Air is focusing on many key aspects which are supporting their customer service values and customer service aims (Sabre, 2008, Pp.2-4). Like all the mature and grown up airlines across the world, the Zeta Air is making its best efforts in doing admirable job through reducing costs by enhancing their passenger comfort and operational excellence with the foreword of on-board and pre-boarding services and products.

The Zeta Air can innovate and evolve its business by focusing towards the strategy of customer-centric. Being a forward thinking airline company, the Zeta Air is moving to the next level through identifying new standards of customer service aims and values on the basis of customized individual services for targeting customer needs. Still, there are several new opportunities in airline industry that are left to be exploited in emerging technologies and the customer's willingness for becoming engaged on a one-to-one basis (Sabre, 2008, ...
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