To utilize my assimilated knowledge and educational experience in my field of specialization and represent my organization in the best possible way.
Date of Birth 1991
Social Security ID
School Education
High School
Other Strengths and weaknesses
This assignment is based on my strengths and weaknesses points, my goal of studying mechanical engineering, career opportunities in future, and my dream to be successful.
But before that I would like to mention that no body are perfect, every body has strengths and weaknesses points. But the different between each of us is who can improve his strengths points on the right direction to make it better and stronger, also who can improve his weaknesses points to make it as strengths as much as possible.
I am sure that will not be easy for most of us but who can do that he is absolutely going to be really successful one in his life and in his work, which mean he will reach the top without facing any difficulties.
First, I found my self very special and strong in many things as my communication skills, because of that I am not facing any problems while I am working or studying with other people either from my country or from around the world.
Second , I like challenging, so I found my self studying harder while I am under pressure.
On the other hand, I can convince the person who is talking to me about any idea even if it's not true. However, I am really good in understanding maths equations, biology, physics, chemistry, Arabic. In addition, I am also good in all the Islamic subjects. I found that true according to my final result at my secondary school.
My secondary school team for three years
Third, I have the ability to study with group of people or as an individual without facing any problems going to effect what I am working with. Also, I have the ability to stand and present a project front a group of people. That's because I used to do that in my intermediate school and my secondary school. Also, I love reading, specially the historical stories and the future technology books in my free time. I am a good listener
specifically with the exiting subjects. However, I have been told by a teacher in my secondary school that, I am well organized and really good in time management, which mean I have the ability to manage my time for what to do first and what to do next. I am also some one who the people can trust him as soon as they know me very well. On the other hand, I can convince the person who is talking to me about any idea even if it's not true. However, I am really good in understanding moths equations, biology, physics, chemistry, Arabic. In addition, I am also good in all the Islamic subjects. I found that true according to my final result ...