Curriculum Leadership

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Curriculum Leadership

Curriculum Leadership


The curriculum leadership involves the specific functions and objectives that give the competitive position in the market to the leader. It is the responsibility of the curriculum leader to make sure that the curriculum objectives are achieved by the learners. The curriculum has significant importance in the good education. The primary goal of the curriculum is to increase the learning and knowledge of the learners by giving them the quality education. The best content in the curriculum defines the curriculum leadership. The curriculum leadership specifically considers on how the curriculum is taught to the students and what is learned from the curriculum.

In the schools, the curriculum leadership depends upon the distinctive approaches that make the curriculum best. In designing the best curriculum there are many duties and responsibilities that are linked with it. The curriculum development professionals are responsible for effective processes of curriculum content developments. The professionals are responsible for sorting the best and effective content for the learners and then developing them into series according to the content priorities (Fullan, M., 1991).

The effective curriculum leadership involves developing the effective strategies and also managing the human resources to lead all the processes in the right directions. It also involves managing the resources in the adequate manners and encouraging the participants in the curriculum development to make the effective changes in the curriculum learning that can bring improved change in the schools and the students. The effective leadership depends as a whole on the timely and adequate changes in the curriculum according to the developments and changing trends in the innovations and technologies. It involves the system that runs smoothly and that responds to the change and that if managed efficiently gives the leadership to the curriculum leader.

Basic forms of curriculum leadership

The curriculum leadership is of two basic ...
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