Curriculum Design And Session Planning

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Curriculum Design and Session Planning

Curriculum Design and Session Planning


There are many principles that are needed to be adhered and taken care of when developing a curriculum. There must be some underlying sense of challenge and involvement in the curriculum. There must be progression of the knowledge base and at the same time, there must be personalization of choice and freedom of doing what you want. Looking at the way curriculum is developed at the organizational as well as the classroom level, it can be seen that whenever there is any setting that involves taking care of the children and young people must be the part of the curriculum. At all stages, learners of all aptitudes and abilities should experience an appropriate level of challenge, to enable each individual to achieve his or her potential. They should be active in their learning and have opportunities to develop and demonstrate their creativity. There should be support to enable children and young people to sustain their effort. Each stage should build upon earlier knowledge and achievements. Children should be able to progress at a rate which meets their needs and aptitudes, and keep options open so that routes are not closed off too early.

Formal, Informal and Hidden Curricula

With context to the medical profession, the importance of curriculum cannot be denied. Along with the teaching that involves theory, there are some other perspectives as well and they are an important part. This is very important when one has to shape the professionalism and developing the professional values of the students. At the same time, the curriculum is designed in such a manner that it is going to have an impact on the overall learning potential of the students.

Hidden Curriculum

But at the same time, not much is yet known about this subject. First we will look at what is meant by Hidden Curriculum. Hidden Curriculum is the infrastructure as well as the physical and workforce layout of the organization in the academic health centre. It is very important to know that infrastructure is bound to affect the learning processes that prevail in the organization. It also helps with the socialization norms and rituals that seem to exist in the organization.

Informal Culture

On the other hand, when one talks about the informal culture that seems to exist in an organization, it can be seen that it uses the medical student's immersion and involvement in the overall learning process. These processes are the ones that are the part of the education process that seems to be going on in the academic health centre. It takes into consideration the interaction that happens between the students, and at the same time it also discusses inters professional participants that are involved all the time in the medical processes that comes to define an academic health centre. These participants can be the family members of the patients and the patients themselves. So in this curriculum, it can be seen that both hidden and informal ...