Curriculum Based Assessment

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Curriculum Based Assessment of 8th Grade Students

Curriculum Based Assessment of 8th Grade Students

Curriculum Based Assessment

(1) Determine what the team is trying to accomplish, including how the stated objectives will be met.

The objective of the team is to improve 8th grade math and science scores. Students have been found weak in these subjects which is affecting their overall academic grade. The amount of study time invested, both in self-study and class attendance, has been shown repeatedly to relate to student's academic performance. More specifically, beyond various intellective and non-intellective student characteristics, also study time has been reported to affect grades. Students significantly differ in the amount of time devoted to studying. A number of studies searched for possible student characteristics associated with these individual differences.


Abstract knowledge skills

Shifting the focus from one transmission of knowledge and abstract skills to their application contexts problem-solving.

Focusing on teacher training

New and different initial in-service training every teacher to be leading character of educational research.

Strengthening the knowledge, skills and expertise in mathematics and science

More rigorous testing and introduction of mandatory collection activities within the study plans.

Exchange of best practices

Develop activities for customization and guidance. Encourage the exchange of best practices.

Relationship between education and evaluation

Education is not evaluation but it must be the opposite. We must be able to take the evaluation at all levels, a significant opportunity to grow, to be more educated, more formats.

National Evaluation Service

The systematic monitoring of competence in mathematics and science by the National Service will help improve both the efficiency of the system and the teaching of individual teachers, who will be encouraged to assess not only knowledge but also abilities and skills of students.

9. Preparing for Future Simulations

The future stimulation will focus on the sciences. Reflections are proposed extensive simulations and by teachers of mathematics and science schools from initial grades of high school.

Regional operating structures to support a better quality of learning

Launching of national and regional operational structures to support the autonomous schools to increase the overall quality of the system.

(2) Determine how the team will know that a change demonstrates improvement.

The team can demonstrate improvement or any change when new scores will be better than previous ones. With proper assessments by teachers there can be positive change seen in the scores of math and science. It is noticed that math and science are considered to be the most challenging courses among all. Those who have prompt interest in them tend to score well from the very starting but those who are not interested tend to face failure. Additionally, it is also significant correlation between overall scores that offer both tests, highlighting the relationship secondary school students between the processes of learning and time management skills.

(3) Identify the process to measure improvement.

The process to measure improvement is very critical and will require some assessment for learning. Hence teachers will develop assessments, which will comprise of scores from their Curriculum Based ...
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